Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • RE: Problem attaching a copied SQL database

    Hi Mohit,

    I apologize for taking you down the wrong path on all of this. It appears that my problem isn't "attach/detach" related, it is really a problem with connecting to...

  • RE: Problem attaching a copied SQL database

    We never actually used the "Create Database ... For Attach" command on any of our databases. We use the same "AttachDBFileName" argument in the connection string every time we connect...

  • RE: Problem attaching a copied SQL database

    Thanks again for you help with this Mohit.

    I am having trouble finding the exact syntax on the sp_detach_db command in VB6. Here is what I am trying in a...

  • RE: Problem attaching a copied SQL database

    Thanks very much Mohit!

    I remember seeing that Trusted_Connection option in the forums. I think that will be fine with our files since they all have very unique names.

    Will the same...

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)