Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 1

    <<Since 2006 Honda has made all the engines in all 33 cars of every Indy race, so no matter who wins, Honda wins.>>

    Just curious, but for the sake of a...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 1

    <<To me this "software", all boils down to offering a band aid, and a poor one, even if free, for the failure of MANGAGMENT to direct and control the IT...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 1

    I think you are missing the point then if you think SQL Developers will be extinct. It seems to me that all "pushing the button" will do is eliminate...

  • RE: In Praise of Barebones Applications

    Great topic. . .with a lot of common sense replies.

    I just sent a division business newsletter to some of my IT staff that mentions some technology initiatives that...

  • RE: Design Advice Wanted - Date/Time

    Thanks Scott.  I will do that.  I always like to have an extra layer of protection on the database to enforce important business rules.  We are devoted to strong security....

  • RE: Design Advice Wanted - Date/Time

    Thank you to you all for your advice. 

    This is not a big transactional system, so the space is not a big concern.   

    But based on your comments I'm going...

  • RE: a design problem?

    Oops. . ..Meant "How many users" will be using this application? 

  • RE: a design problem?


    How many uses are you talking about here?  Is this supposed to be a shared dataset? 



  • RE: a design problem?

    If you use MSDE, you might want to consider using a free GUI front-end such as TOAD for SQL in order to create the tables, easily view data, etc.  Do...

  • RE: Can't see NT Groups

    I have SQL 8/2000. I had SQL 7 originally and then installed SQL 2000 and actually have both, but am using SQL 2000. My partner has the same...

  • RE: Can't see NT Groups

    My partner and I can both see the same users if we use a query to get them. However, where I'm not seeing them and he is is in...

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)