Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)

  • RE: get a list of all database from a server in browser

    select srvname from master..sysservers

    use this code in your frontend to populate the data in the drop down.



  • RE: Looking for SQL DBA (position in KY)

    Hi, this is Satish Teli from India, working for a Manufacturing company called Madura Coats Ltd. I have 3year and 9 months of IT experience in the same company, over...

  • RE: SQL not starting

    Login as Administrator and then try starting the services or if the Services are set to auto start then check what happens. This happens when the Authentication is mixed i...

  • RE: Named Pipes vs. TCP/IP Sockets, Which One?

    Well, what I have abserved is that if you are trying to connect to a server which resides in another LAN, often noticed that connection via Named Pipes fails and...

  • RE: Named Pipes vs. TCP/IP Sockets, Which One?

    Well, what I have abserved is that if you are trying to connect to a server which resides in another LAN, often noticed that connection via Named Pipes fails and...

  • RE: Named Pipes vs. TCP/IP Sockets, Which One?

    Well, what I have abserved is that if you are trying to connect to a server which resides in another LAN, often noticed that connection via Named Pipes fails and...

  • RE: Set to NULL

    Hi Frank, I'm from India-B'lore and Name is Satish(1st name), Teli(last name) is my SIR name.

    cvandemaele, as far as u'r argument goes, at times just allowing the field to...

  • RE: Upgrading SQL7 to SQL2000

    Ya, there are few constraints. You need to set the Quote Identifier on, by default it is off, which means that if u have an values within double quotes in...

  • RE: how to determine why the log file grew

    Use truncate the log on checkpoints, this will keep a check on the Log's file growth. Use TruncateLogOnCheckpoint, for more info check BOL or recommended sites.

  • RE: access denied

    U mean to say that, both the Databases are on one server and you are able to access one and not the other? Also, just your user id has...

  • RE: Transfering data from one machine to another

    I guess the only simple way out would be, to take a dump of the database on to any of the external storage devices and send it across and ask...

  • RE: Error - Database may not be activated

    Are you maintaining any intermediate table with DB Ids? If yes, then, try dropping and recreating it. Then it Should work.

    If possible, try and post u'r code.

  • RE: Copy database with constraints?

    Take a complete backup of the database and then restore it on to the destination server...this will take care of u'r problem.

  • RE: Set to NULL

    It is recommended not to use NULL in any of tables and instead update it with some default values. This case, since it is an INT

    field, it is better that...

  • RE: Setting dynamic Order By in Stored Procedure

    Hey Mike,

    Make it simple, as the other person said, use constructed queries, thats basically, u will have to arrange the SQL statement with a string variable,let say @STR,...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)