Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Log Bloat when Performing Initial DB Push Using Transactional Replication

    How are you pushing data to backup server to replicate?  Are you using DTS or inserts?  Log file will fill if you are using inserts or updates or deletes. DTS...

  • RE: sql server 2000 encryption

    You can use third party data encryption software.  It is called XP_encrypt by Activecrypt Software.

  • RE: Error during insert

    Thank you so much for your help.  Your reply solved the problem I found one of the fields was 6030 in size plus other fields.

    Greatly appreciate your help.

  • RE: Storing TimeZone information in SQLServer !!! URGENT PLEASE !!!

    If we move to GMT, is there an issue with Daylight Savings Time or other similar time changes? please let me know.

    Thank you for your help.


    I tried the above commands.  If I try either first command line or both I get error:

    ''ALL_INDEXES' is not a recognized option.'

    If I try second command line I get:

    Server: Msg...

  • RE: Log and Data File growing out of control

    I will not shrink tempdb because it will restart the sql service.  So best way will be to restart sql service and and let it recreate it.  I tried to...

  • RE: Differential Backup

    I had to restore a development database with full and differential backup.

    I tried to restore the database using TSQL command but got the error message "database in use need sys...

  • RE: varchar length

    Microsoft books online tells that var char length can be upto 8000 characters. Does this mean that if you have defined a field as var char length 600 it will...

  • RE: INSERT taking long to execute

    If you have triggers on the table, remove them, then try insert and put back trigger again when you are done. I had this type of problem on a...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)