Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)
Here it is,
this time i used maitenence wizard
July 1, 2008 at 8:28 am
Thanks Every body,
All the suggestion is fine and i could see that integration services is not insalled in that sever.
But the same is with other servers as well, but i...
July 1, 2008 at 8:10 am
Hi kyle,
thanks for the information. thats what we i was thinking.
many thanks
June 27, 2008 at 10:30 pm
Please check the path of restore as file..and make use it is changed to the new file u have created
June 27, 2008 at 9:24 am
yes fraser,
u are rite. it is basically service broker database. now how u will know wat is occyping so much space.
May 31, 2008 at 2:38 am
Thanks Everybody.. i will try to do as said and get back with the results.
Many Thanks
May 29, 2008 at 11:56 pm
thanks manoj,
it is basically used as queue servce user table/data resides here, as a result it is difficult to know how data would be there..moreover even i am not...
May 29, 2008 at 7:15 am
Hi all,
thanks for all your replys,
Database has set as unrestricted growth and every time increases by 50MB,
Full Backup is scheduled every night and Logfiles every 15 minutes
Recovery Mode is...
May 29, 2008 at 2:06 am
Thanks Kevin,
I did try it... and only after i removed storedprocedure it started working.
I also used the following script
INTO dbo.MyTraceTable
FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('C:\SqlTraces\MyTrace.trc', DEFAULT)"
even here it gives some error...
April 16, 2008 at 4:43 am
Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)