Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: select distinct values

    select distinct name,salary

    into #temptab

    from tablename


    truncate table tablename


    insert into tablename

    select name,salary from #temptab



  • RE: Truncating the Transaction Log

    1. If you take the full backup and truncate the transaction log  without taking its backup you can recover your database only to the point of full backup and not...

  • RE: sql agent

    Thanks for your suggestions

    Best regards

  • RE: how to do math on nested queries?

    Try this:

    select sum(col1) as sum from

    (select [Net P&L] as col1 from tblTraderPnL union select Fee as col1 from tblTraderFees)  as dertab


    Sanjay, India

  • RE: need help

    When a customer does a partial payment of an invoice we generate a second invoice for remaining amount.And if again he pays partially a third invoice is generated and process...

  • RE: need help

    No there is no maximum level of depth.

    Ive gone through Microsoft article and it seems theres no way to do it by a single query.

    Thanks for your reply, bytheway


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)