Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)

  • RE: How to validate

    Validation: I want to actually check whether the *.txt file is actually a text file(because in some cases a user may send an excel file as a *.txt file)

  • RE: Audit Login and Logout

    THe only difference i notice(from profiler trace) is failed Login's has a Database Name of master and successful Login attempt has the correct database Name....(Somehow sql server is using Master...

  • RE: Audit Login and Logout

    Here is the exact error message i get

    Login failed for user 'xyz'. Reason: Password did not match that for the login provided. [CLIENT: client ipaddress]

    It sounds pretty weird.... In...

  • RE: Audit Login and Logout

    Thanks i was actually able to catch the login Failure in the profiler...But couldn't figure out which part of application is causing the login failure event.....How do i actually trace...

  • RE: Execution plan analysis

    Cln_ServiceInstpayer does have a clustered index but it's not being used in this query......that table has around 30 million records

  • RE: Execution plan analysis

    here are the index definitions

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cln_ServiceInstance] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_cln_ServiceInstance] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED


    [ServiceInstKey] ASC


  • RE: Execution plan analysis

    Here i am updating CPEReleaseID and DateUpdated on Instpayer table and in the where clause i m filtering data based upon DeleteStatus, CPEThresholdID, payerID....So i thought creating a non clustered...

  • RE: Execution plan analysis

    But is it advisable to create index on a table which is involved in the update process(I guess index defragmentation will be more)

  • RE: Execution plan analysis

    Here are the Execution times and Scans before and after creating indexe's

    Before the creation of index

    SQL Server parse and compile time:

    CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed...

  • RE: Execution plan analysis

    Here is the query i was working on

    UPDATE p

    SET p.CPEReleaseID = @CPEReleaseID,

    p.DateUpdated = getdate()

    FROM Cln_ServiceInstPayer p WITH (NOLOCK)

    INNER JOIN Cln_ServiceInstance i WITH (NOLOCK) ON p.ServiceInstKey = i.ServiceInstKey

    INNER JOIN is_CPERelease cpe...

  • RE: Execution plan analysis

    Here is the query i was working on

    UPDATE p

    SET p.CPEReleaseID = @CPEReleaseID,

    p.DateUpdated = getdate()

    FROM Cln_ServiceInstPayer p WITH (NOLOCK)

    INNER JOIN Cln_ServiceInstance i WITH (NOLOCK) ON p.ServiceInstKey = i.ServiceInstKey

    INNER JOIN is_CPERelease...

  • RE: Actual plan


  • RE: Help me in creating indexes

    Please find the attachment for execution plan

  • RE: Help me in creating indexes

    Right now i have only clustered indexes on the primary keys

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)