Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 31 total)

  • RE: Database design

    Yes i had used Database context

  • RE: Database design

    Hi Igor Micev,

    I had run the script, it does not give any output

  • RE: Database design

    AlertsSize Bytes Per Row












    Total Bytes298734.9333

    Above is the details size in bytes for per transactions which and total size comes approx - 300 KB, Yes Every table has clustered and Index...

  • RE: SQL 2008 Express

    It doesn't give option to run, it only say's search online solution and close, and if I click on close, setup get exited.

  • RE: access denied message while executing xp_cmdshell

    Thanks sharky,

    Hi Jeff, I am creating an application which creates the database using script and application gets installed in program files, which contains application install log file, I want to...

  • RE: Update table

    Hi Gianluca,

    It is updating all the records which are repeadted i wont need all the records to be updated. i need any one record to updated from the repeated...

  • RE: Update table

    Hi Gianluca,

    Thx but the union will work if i am having only limited records but what if i am having 1 lakh records or more than that. i mean to...

  • RE: telnet

    I had got a project in which there is a phyical hardware to which the ip wil be assigned and it will communicating with server where sql in installed and...

  • RE: Convert datetime to varchar


    But its not hardcoded its an value which is stored in variable which is having a datatype as datetime. and after going through certain select and execution stored procedure.And i...

  • RE: Data to be split in different column

    Thx Lutz,

    I will explain the complete scenario i am having table A with the

    columns called Complaint No,call,Description, Contact no where

    complaint no is auto generate

    Call is user input column...

  • RE: Data to be split in different column

    Its a simple insert statement Its not possible for me to insert inverted commas for each statement, you can go through the sample data

    common understanding is i am having data...

  • RE: Data to be split in different column

    I had provided the sample data only

  • RE: select top N records

    yeah i agree that this is sql2k5 forum

    but thought can get some clue for sql2k but didnt fine even after puttin parenthises

  • RE: Remove new line from cell

    hi Adi,

    when i run your code

    select * from test where charindex(char(13)+char(10), vc) = 0

    it gives me only one record in output but wherein it should be three and


  • RE: insert records into another table.

    Hi Vladan,

    When i run this code is sql 2000 i get an error of

    Server: Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 27

    'ROW_NUMBER' is not a recognized function name. but it...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 31 total)