Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 29 total)

  • RE: combining the results of multiple select statements in to a single row

    Thanks for the help.

    My output now is :

    10 , 11 , 12, 13

    Now i want another column as the sum of above values. How can i do that

  • RE: Sql server went offline because of master DB

    Initially i find difficulty in rebuilding the master Db so i followed the below steps.

    1. Overwriten the master DB files from another server which has the same build and version.


  • RE: Sql server went offline because of master DB


    I have rebuilted the master and it worked fine.

    For some reason we have rebooted the machine and now the server fails to start and below is the error message.


    "The SQL...

  • RE: Sql server went offline because of master DB


    I find difficulty in rebuilding the master DB for the default instance of the test machine.

    So i have overwriteen the master DB files with the same version and build ...

  • RE: Sql server went offline because of master DB


    Thanks for the reply.

    Seems the database has been corrupted.

    Can you please help me to understand why the database has been corrupted.

    I will try to rebuild the master and restore...

  • RE: Backup of the T- logs


    I tried , but it is appending to the existing logs.

    Attcahed the screen shot.

    Kindly let me know where to change the option.

  • RE: Backup of the T- logs


    My exact question is how i make each log file to it's own, new file.

  • RE: AWE & Lock pages


    Thanks for the reply. I'm clear on the first question.

    Can you assiat in the second question.

    Second Question


    When Lock pages in momory in enabled for the account which runs under sql...

  • RE: High CPU

    Hello All,

    I have faced the same issue again, stuck at the same SP, CPU is hitting 90-95 %.

    Captured the execution plan for the statements executing , seems to be...

  • RE: High CPU


    Yes the underlying tables has triggers on it.

    I have kiiled all the 4 queries and the CPU on the server came down.

  • RE: High CPU

    The same updates work fine and occasionnaly we are facing the same issue.

    I.e Self blocking SPID.

    Last week i head killed it and it never rolled back and as a result...

  • RE: High CPU


    It is an update statement from one of the tool hosted on the server.

  • RE: Self - blocking in sql 2005


    Not my SPID.

    Some other SPID which was blocking itself 😎

  • RE: Move data from one datafile to another

    HI All,

    I have a similar requirement to complete.

    My DB has 6 data files of which 4 are on one drive and the remaining 2 are on a different drive(H).

    I want...

  • RE: backup and Restore


    Many thanks for the post.

    The article clarified all my doubts.



Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 29 total)