Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 136 through 148 (of 148 total)

  • RE: Sharing Enterprise Manager configuration

    You need to export them out of registry then reload them.  There's two places you need to export them.  Have them search on a specific servername.  I don't think this...

  • RE: odbcconf

    I've done a ton of digging on google and found out that you cannot put passwords in, making it pretty useless to replicate 10 web servers with all the same...

  • RE: favorite SPs?

    Interesting, can you expand on how you do this?  Do you use DTS on one machine to deploy out the "favorites" to others?


  • RE: favorite SPs?

    I thought it was on this web site here, but cannot seem to find it

    (of course I am breaking my rule of using the SMTP SP above)

    /* drop trigger trg_stepfailures...


    Reasoning this out...since it's a client connectivity, we normally don't install it on the server.  So I guess not.



  • RE: Alternative to MRTG?


    I use the Win2K Perfmon to record data to a csv file, then I massage the csv file to get the last line that mrtg then reads. 

    This all works...

  • RE: How can I goto ActiveX module XYZ?

    Yep, this is it.

    It seems pretty messy, perhaps I don't understand it that well.  Time to dig through BOL and study this in my sleep.  

  • RE: defining precendences between selected items is invalid

    I figured it out, I need to added a data transform link between the import file to the SQL Server.  Then I could add  a workflow from the dynamic properties...

  • RE: Incorrect Syntax

    I found the problem. We have some databases that started with number like '703' and one had a '-' in the name.

    In Jeff Weisbecker GetFileInfo2, the USE...

  • RE: Zip Code Radius Search SP

    Someone asked the service we use...for the benefit of all, we use CD Light County-Zip DB. They provide several formats, from ASCII, to Access to their own proprietary format...

  • RE: bcp superscript characters


  • RE: bcp superscript characters


  • RE: Are you a "hunt and pecker" or a "typist"?

    When I was in high school I told my mom that I was going to take typing. She thought I wouldn't need it and it would be a waste...

Viewing 13 posts - 136 through 148 (of 148 total)