Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

  • Reply To: Get a couple fruits

    Good lesson on general query often returned in what we think they should be but in reality no guarantee of that without the order by clause.

  • Reply To: SQL Update Statement Awareness

    Yes update statement is not coded correctly so then you have to infer what the intent of the question is. It is far too common on the QOTD.

  • RE: Table vs View vs UserDefined Function - Which will give more performance

    Getting back to the original basis of the question of Tableau and SQL Server. I use Tableau with SQL on a daily basis, there are times that the sql that...

  • RE: Dig Out the Root Cause

    It is amazing to me how people's career paths can be so different at times and then others are similar...I too started my IT career as a Novell Administrator at...

  • RE: SSIS Deployments

    How abou the Deployment Utility that you can generate when building the package? I do not have 2012 to test but 2008 has this built in.

    Right click on the Project...

  • RE: Why SQL Server?

    Like many others, I was tasked with supporting an application that ran on SQL server. At the time it was SQL Server Ver 6.5. The product was called Report...

  • RE: Receive AS400 file to windows

    The AS400 also has the ability to act like a Windows server if the AS400 Admin sets it up. I would look to your AS400 admin to see if this...

  • RE: Connection string being passed into DTEXEC is not used during execution of package

    The password will still be visible to someone even if it is passed in during execution either throught the command line or the config files. If you do not think...

  • RE: Truncate_only

    Truncate Only is not available in SQL 2008

  • RE: Subtract one result set from another

    mangeshd (4/8/2010)

    Rustman, I did not get your point. do you mean to say that using NOT IN or EXCEPT results in cartesian product? I have already specified that it results...

  • RE: Subtract one result set from another

    Why do you think the NOT IN answer is giving you a Cartesian Product or Cross Join? This seems to be an acceptable way of getting the answer you are...

  • RE: SSIS Licensing Question

    If I am understanding the question right, the bids development environment would be licensed the same way as your server on a client basis. In other words, if you have...

  • RE: SSMS - feature

    I also get nothing unless I hold down the Ctrl key while hovering over the link with the mouse.

    It then works as stated but no popups happen. It is always...

  • RE: Permissions to execute stored procedures

    Could you share the Macro that calls the sql stored procedure you wrote in Excel? I think that could come in handy sometime...

  • RE: Dynamic SQL

    CirquedeSQLeil (1/5/2010)

    rustman (1/5/2010)

    My SQL2008 system seems to have trouble with the 'quotename' which encloses the tablename in []. Remove that with the dbo in front of the table name and...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)