Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 381 total)

  • RE: Active X Script help please

    Under what conditions does the task run?  You can set up a workflow from the datapump to this task.  You can state that you want the routine to only when...

  • RE: Active X Script help please

    Be sure to get the name of the task not the step.  They are different.  "DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_2"  looks like a default step name not a task name.

    You can get the TaskName...

  • RE: Active X Script help please

    It should be DTSGlobalVariables.  I am not at my work machine with all of my DTS packages.

    function Main()

    if DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Tasks("MyExcelTask").CustomTask.RowsComplete < 20 then

    ' 20 or some other threshold

      Main = DTSStepScriptResult_DontExecuteTask



  • RE: Problem with Execute Process Tasks

    I'm not certain.  Is the bat file on a network drive and do you refer to it using a mapped drive letter (this may cause problems)?  Does the Win32 process have...

  • RE: VB.NET datatable into SQL table - what is the best way??

    The only way that I know to do this is to use xml.  You create a stored procedure that receives a text parameter.  Then using OpenXML you can insert all...

  • RE: Active X Script help please

    In the Workflow properties, you can execute an ActiveX script that determines whether to run the step or not.  The task called "MyExcelTask" (use your name; find name in the disconnected...

  • RE: What should we do about Software Assurance?

    Fair is not the word I would use.  I just have never seen anything in it for me and my organization.

  • RE: Downlevel Support

    I think that the one who will most suffer by this decision is Microsoft.  This will add one more reason not to upgrade to Vista.  Currently Vista is working at...

  • RE: Cleaning WGA

    Thanks for the article.  As a developer who makes my money on the Microsoft platform, it totally annoys me that Microsoft, in its total arrogance, shooting itself in the foot. ...

  • RE: I''m Sad

    I personally prefer multiple ways to send feed back.  I can understand that a better structured web page response would be more easily processed and therefore more likely to impact...

  • RE: The Life Hackers

    I had trouble.  It asked for a paid subscription to see the article.

  • RE: Loop with dinamic connection

    Try putting at the end of the routine the following line (assuming that you have assigned the connection to conTarget):

    msgbox conTarget.DataSource

    Does the datasource change as you expect?

    Remove this code from...

  • RE: Loop with dinamic connection

    I really can't say for sure without looking at your code.

    You might be looping on one value, but actually setting the connection to the first value every time.  You might be setting...

  • RE: SQL Server blocked by -2

    The process of SPID 2 has a lock of some type that prevents the blocked SPID from completing its work.


  • RE: Loop with dinamic connection

    Can you posta copy of the code in your Begin Loop and Loop Around scripts?


Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 381 total)