Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 286 through 300 (of 381 total)

  • RE: Delete all records from SQL Server table

    Every linked table from SQL you want to update in Access must have a primary key index in Access. The table doesn't actually have to have one in SQL Server (your...

  • RE: Personal Laptop

    I am a contractor working at a couple clients. I had considered using a some kind of virtual pc with each client.  I just haven't sprung the money to buy a...

  • RE: Triggers

    It would if you put this in an update trigger.  You can specify that the trigger is an update trigger or insert trigger or both.

  • RE: Triggers

    You could try something like:

    if exists (select * from t2 t inner join inserted i

      on t.Customer= i.Customer

       and t.Value = i.Value)


    raiserror ('The value exists in t2', 16, 1)

    rollback transaction


    The "inserted"...

  • RE: "Parent" SQL statement that causes the TRIGGER?

    The " dbcc inputbuffer" (with the proper syntax, which is to pass the spid that identifies the process that is running) should return the last statement that ran on that...

  • RE: COUNT Records -Query

    select case when a.key is not null and b.key is not null

      then 'both'

    case a.key is not null

       then 'ReservesFile'

    case b.key is not null

       then 'Temp'

     else -- not sure...

  • RE: Converting Access 2000 to SQL Server 2000

    Hmmm!  SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager would sure save time.  I don't have Management Studio Express, but I don't think that it has the import wizard.

    Can you create an Access database with linked tables...

  • RE: Converting Access 2000 to SQL Server 2000

    You call the import wizard from SQL Server Enterprise Manager.  This tool (which is a client tool for SQL Server 2000) allows you to manage the databases, etc.  The import...

  • RE: Case function in a Join

    To answer your immediate question:

    A case when statement must be of form in your condition:

    case when <condition> then <value>

    when <condition> then <value>

    else <value> end

    The point is that the whole...

  • RE: Converting Access 2000 to SQL Server 2000

     Are you just moving the data?  You can use the import wizard to create a DTS package for SQL 2000.  You first do the import to a test server from...

  • RE: using DTS to download data into a file

    You need to cast the floats as decimals:  convert(decimal(18,9),mycol).  Use a sql query for the source.

  • RE: MCDBA Vs MCITP which is better???

    If you want to position yourself as a SQL 2000 guru, then maybe MCDBA better.  Also, MCDBA includes a Server operating system test the MCITP does have, which may interest...

  • RE: Deleting large amount of data

    Another trick is to delete a section.  Say you want to delete all records before Jan 1, 2006.  Create a loop

    declare @date datetime

    set @Date = '1/1/1960'

    while @Date <= '1/1/2006'



  • RE: Storred Procedure

    I am going to assume that the first and second questions are related:

    create proc myproc @key int


    -- Second question (count)

    declare @numRec int

    select @numRec = count(*) from MyTable

    where myKey...

  • RE: Active X Script help please


    if DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Tasks("DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_2").CustomTask.RowsComplete = 0 then

Viewing 15 posts - 286 through 300 (of 381 total)