Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 271 through 285 (of 381 total)

  • RE: Permission issue with dts package

    Running the query as dbo without giving dbo permission was one of my goals.  Thus, Greg, that is why I am more inclined to your solution.

  • RE: Confused on how to retrieve all transactions up to seconds (elminating milliseconds)

    and convert(varchar, a.Date_DT, 120) = convert(varchar, b.Date_DT, 120)

    This will find two records if they are in the same...

  • RE: Permission issue with dts package

    Steve, thank you for your information.  I had not thought to assign create table permission.  In fact, I think that I had downright forgot about that.

    It might work for us. ...

  • RE: XML

    The statement:

    document.all['A3'].innerText= objHTTP.responsexml.getElementsByTagName('InputZipCode');

    returns a collection of element nodes.  You need to first restrict it to one node. Then you need to get the text for that node.

    Try the following from


  • RE: Permission issue with dts package

    Greg, do you find significant overhead in running the scheduled job or was it rather trivial?  I was thinking of scheduling this to check the table every minute.  So a...

  • RE: Permission issue with dts package

    I had experminented setting the user name and password as an argument in the dtsrun command.  The sql statements in the package still ran as the domain login of the...

  • RE: Referencing a SQL table when using an XML import in Access

    You have verified that the xml document is going to create a distinct value in the primary key.

  • RE: Retaining original table names during db to xml

    You can apply a tablemapping on your data adapter (I assume you have tables with real name MyTable1Name and MyTable2Name: put your names here)

    da is your data adapter

    da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "MyTable1Name");

    da.TableMappings.Add("Table1", "MyTable2Name");


  • RE: Rollback of Data base transactions in DTS

    I have wrapped items in a transaction using execute sql statements.  This post gave me reason to fix some problems.

    First, create an executesql task that has a "begin transaction" statement...

  • RE: Table archiving

    Thank you for correcting my error.  I will fix it in the original.

  • RE: Table archiving

    You can set up a transaction.  The ArchiveTable is identical to the main table (no identity) with an Archive_Date.

    set transaction isolation level repeatable read

    begin tran

    declare @refDate datetime

    set @refDate = dateadd(month,...

  • RE: DTS package with a parameter

    You create a global variable "ImportFileName".

    Then in your call to dtsrun you add the following parameter:

    dtsrun ....  /A "ImportFileName":8=C:\MyFolder\MyFile.txt"

    Then you use a Dynamic Properties task to set the DataSource property...

  • RE: perform multiple update and multiple insert synchorizely

    create trigger myupdatetrigger on tblStudent for update


    insert into tblstudent_history

    select id, record_type from deleted


    -- I would suggest adding a date field to your history.

    -- The "deleted" element is a view...

  • RE: Converting Access 2000 to SQL Server 2000

    I don't have access to "Server Management Studio Express," which is the stripped down version of the normal 2005 Server Management Studio.  I don't believe that you can use the...

  • RE: DTS: JOB: Network Drive

    I think that the nt user will be the nt user running SQL Agent.

    That user must be an administrator on the machine (if I understand that right).  You would need...

Viewing 15 posts - 271 through 285 (of 381 total)