Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 223 total)

  • RE: Parameters

    Interesting question, but I would argue that R isn't "smart enough to know that the last parameter, unnamed, is second", but  rather that R is "stupid enough to not complain...

  • RE: Cube v rollup

    amd.repetto - Thursday, December 14, 2017 10:08 AM

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Thursday, December 14, 2017...

  • RE: Cube v rollup

    Not sure I follow the reasoning behind the correct answers. WITH CUBE returns more rows, but not WITH ROLLUP. And yet they return the same number of rows? How is...

  • RE: Singular or Plural

    If you look anywhere outside of the database world, I'm pretty sure you'd get a pretty unequivocal answer: You have, for example, a number of objects/structures/tuples/rows that are manifestations of...

  • RE: Naming the Columns

    RoNoS - Wednesday, December 6, 2017 12:39 AM

    Isn't that giving a syntax error about a missing bracket?

    That would be my guess as...

  • RE: Assigning Result Set Column Names

    Ken Wymore - Monday, December 4, 2017 10:59 PM

    I'll fess up to answering it wrong. That's what I get for not paying...

  • RE: Index operations with max degree of parallelism value

    Well, the traceflag doesn't control anything except parallelism of DBCC:

    Disables parallel checking of objects by...

  • RE: Data Type Precedence

    Nice one. I got it wrong, simply because I figured adding two dates just doesn't make any sense, and so the result should be the strings concatenated.

  • RE: Logical Query Processing Filters


  • RE: Compressing Integers

    david.gugg - Tuesday, September 26, 2017 7:56 AM

    I don't get this: 

    One trillion integers won't fit in an INT column so a...

  • RE: Compressing Integers

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Tuesday, September 26, 2017 7:43 AM

    Rune Bivrin - Tuesday, September 26,...

  • RE: Compressing Integers

    Interesting. However, the question doesn't actually say if those are one trillion different integers, or if there are repetitions. If there are one trillion different values, I doubt there will...

  • RE: Saving For Christmas

    These questions certainly require a fair bit of mind reading to get "correct". But remembering the debacle from the previous installment and the following discussion, CEILING will accomplish what Steve...

  • RE: Distributed Replay Targets

    Doh! I missed the "Distributed" part of the heading. There's nothing in the docs about regular replay that says anything about versions for replay targets.

  • RE: The Floor

    Have to agree with the above. I have to admit I didn't really understand what Steve was trying to achieve, but I still got points because that was the only...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 223 total)