Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Compare 2 tables

    thanks for the replies.

    I will try it. 🙂

  • RE: compare 6 month old data between 2 tables

    Hi once again!

    Forget about the last post. I've found the solution.

    The clause 'where' needs to be on both tables, like this:

    select * from Table1 as a

    where ((datepart(dd,a.datefield) <= datepart(dd,GETDATE())) and


  • RE: schedule job

    thanks for the help!

    I've solutioned the problem.

    Thanks once again.

  • RE: Finding DTS jobs in SQL 2005


    You need to start the SQL Server Agent.

    Right click Jobs and add a new job.

  • RE: Schedule job in ssis

    Hi! I think it's not necessary a proxy. In order to run a dts package, you just need to put the dts file in :

    (for example "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL...

  • RE: derived column syntax

    thanks for the patience.

  • RE: derived column syntax

    The field to be updated is already type bit. I've also tried one thing:

    Conditional Split with 2 conditions (OutputSalesHeaderStatus == 1 and OutputSalesHeaderStatus !=1), then for the 2 outputs I...

  • RE: derived column syntax


    After de lookup, I made a conditional split with the condition:

    (OutputSalesHeaderStatus == 1)

    Then a derived column with the expression:

    (ISNULL(OutputSalesHeaderStatus) ? FALSE : TRUE )

    I have the following...

  • RE: derived column syntax

    Yes, I'm using SSIS.

    OutputSalesHeaderStatus(type:integer) is an output of a lookup. If that output is 1, then a field in another table is updated. It cannot be null.

    Is there other way?


  • RE: SMTP mail thru SQL Server

    thanks for the reply.

    the message is queued but it did'n arrived. I also want to associate the message to a sheduled job.

  • RE: Schedule job in ssis


    it works great!!


  • RE: sql errors


    yes, i noticed that i was not joining them!


Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)