Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Adding +1 to MAX()

    Well, I have to manipulate them somewhat.

    Right now I update it 1 by 1 which is boring....

    so I want to just run a script to do it for me but...

  • RE: Insert INTO (AHHHH!)

    Yes, that is it, I dont know what my problem was... DUH:hehe:

  • RE: Question

    Also, it doesn't seem to like the -1 length outside of the charindex statement..

  • RE: Question

    This also seemed to work also...

    SELECT LEFT( name , CHARINDEX( ' ', name,-1 ))

    from WritersNames

    SELECT RIGHT( name , CHARINDEX( ' ',reverse(name)))

    from WritersNames

  • RE: Question

    Ian Scarlett (9/10/2008)

    CHARINDEX is what you are after:-

    select substring(name,1,charindex(',',name)-1)

    select substring(name,1,charindex(',',name,1))

    I think this is what you meant?

  • RE: Question

    How funny....

    That is what i was messing with while waiting for replies....

    select charindex(',',name,1)

    from WritersNames

    The odd part, some of the values return as ZERO....:ermm:

  • RE: Add results together

    I finally figured it out myself 🙂




    ALTER Proc [dbo].[spWebGetBundleCode]


    -- input variables

    @siteid int,

    -- output variables

    @SPCodeA varchar(5) output



    Create Table #code


    [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1)not NULL,

    [RowOrderNumber] [int] NULL,

    [ASCCode] [varchar](10) NULL,


  • RE: help?Question about a Stored Procedure.


    After posting this i figured that out...

    The weird part, the website guys are using some sort of php script to connect and obtain the infomation from me.

    If i give...

  • RE: Help with IS NULL

    SELECT Contact.Name, Contact.Phone, Contact.Email ,BundleList.Status as BundleStatus, ProductTypes.Producttype as ProductType,

    ProductList.Status as ProductStatus, BundleType.Bundletype as BundleType, ProductList.Version


  • RE: Help with IS NULL

    If I take

    ( = 'Unreg_user' or Contact.Email is null)

    and seperate it out to...

    ( = 'Unreg_user') I'll get about 3,000 that meet the where statement same if I put (Contact.Email...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)