Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 248 total)

  • RE: Local variable as seed in an identity column

    And another way is to use DBCC command as shown above and re-seed the value after the table gets created.

  • RE: Local variable as seed in an identity column

    You will have to form a string and then execute it and you would also need to use global temp table then rather than using a local temp table (don't...

  • RE: Deadlock in SQL Server 2000

    You are welcome Ben.

    Since you are operating under the default isolation level of READ COMMITTED, another thing that you may want to look into for your SELECT statement(s) is the...

  • RE: Linked server to Oracle 10g

    Yes, please use the Oracle OLEDB provider (OROLEDB.Oracle) rather than using MSDAORA. Microsoft hasn't done any enhancements to MSDAORA and in the tests that we had done, the Oracle...

  • RE: Connection Not droped

    The problem that you are running into is that of an orphaned session. Since the application program was not able to communicate cleanly to SQL Server, the engine was...

  • RE: Question: SQL 2005 triggering a DB2 stored proceudre

    Calling the DB2 procedure directly based on openrowset/openquery can lead to performance issues not to mention the limitations that you might encounter because of data-types, error handling etc..  One way...

  • RE: SQL Active/Passive/Active Cluster

    You can - but I would not advise doing that.  You should configure each instance to use all available CPUs on that box for best performance of your applications.  In...

  • RE: It''''s necesary to have installed predefined instance?

    The question is not clear.  Are you saying can you have a named instance without having a default instance?  If that is the question, then yes, you can.

  • RE: Deadlock in SQL Server 2000

    One of your Deadlock outputs:


    spid3     Wait-for graph


    spid3     Node:1

    spid3     KEY: 12:905158370:1 (2000c500d465) CleanCnt:1 Mode: X Flags: 0x0

    spid3      Grant List 2::

    spid3        Owner:0x41c57640 Mode: X        Flg:0x0 Ref:0 Life:02000000 SPID:206 ECID:0

    spid3        SPID: 206...

  • RE: set quoted identifier off in SQL

    Use a single tick to escape it if you want to insert the quote, example:

    create table testcase (col1 varchar(100))


    insert into testcase values ('One test '''' of inserting quotes ''''')


    select *...

  • RE: SQL Active/Passive/Active Cluster

    Yes, this is possible i.e. 2 servers, each running an active instance and using the other server to failover i.e. you would have 2 Active/Passive combinations.

    You do have...

  • RE: How can I do the following

    If your ID list is finite, then you can pivot the results like this:

    create table pivot (ID int, Value Int)


    insert into pivot values (1, 100)

    insert into pivot values (2, 200)


  • RE: Create a complex view

    As peter said, use a CASE statement. However, if the logic is very complex i.e. if it is not simple conditional CASE statements and will involve complex sub-queries within...

  • RE: COMMIT with temporary (##) table?

    You are using global temporary tables (the ones with two ## signs). Global temp tables are dropped automatically when the session that created them ends AND no-one else is...

  • RE: Identify a spid

    You can schedule a database job that runs a lightweight check on the processes and in the event of :

    a) blocker/blockee situations,

    b) open transactions for a long time,

    c) hung sessions


Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 248 total)