Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 248 total)

  • RE: Finding and Deleting Duplicate Data

    Once you decide on which fields you can use to denote the duplicate records i.e. is it combination of user_id and site_id itself that makes it a duplicate ?

    If so,...

  • RE: obsolete tables

    We were in such a situation once...we created a profiler template and asked the QA team to run through each and every module of the application.  That way, we were able to...

  • RE: How to check the MS SQL version by system files?

    I mis-interpreted your question then - The version of the ssnetlib.dll will only tell you the service pack / hot-fix level that you are on - not the edition.

    Can SMS...

  • RE: How to check the MS SQL version by system files?

    You can look at the version of Ssnetlib.dll to check the version number...example, in order to distinguish between SP3 and SP3a (both return the same value via @@version), you can...

  • RE: Server randomly slows performance.

    More than likely those were trace flags that dumped out more information in the SQLDumpxxx files that get created when the AVs occur and more than likely, only MSFT PSS...

  • RE: Server timeout errors

    What kind of a time-out is it ? Query timeout or connection time out ? I believe you meant Query time-out. If so, do you have "remote query...

  • RE: Query very slow

    The query does not have any filter criteria specified at all i.e. no where clause.  Is there indeed a requirement to return all the 335k records back ?  What does...

  • RE: TRIMing the entire table in one shot

    As RGR said, just remove the where clause statement from your original statement - that way it will execute on all the records in the table.

    INSERT INTO login_info(login,password,email)

    SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(login)),LTRIM(RTRIM(login)),LTRIM(RTRIM(email))...

  • RE: date format

    You can still have the data-type as datetime (or smalldatetime) but store only the "date" portion in it..i.e. prior to writing to the database, the client application makes the necessary...

  • RE: date format

    Use the convert function. Look up BOL for the syntax and the different options available.

  • RE: Getting no rows here!!!!!

    Ok - here is the solution then - but be aware that there is no substitute to good this scenario, your table design is really a result, we...

  • RE: Finding position in a string

    Use the charindex() function to find the starting position of the string, example:

    declare @string varchar(100)

    set @string = 'F49-000 BAL:4743 64 FINISH_STD:ES'

    select charindex ('bal', @string)



    And use this information and put a...

  • RE: sp_executesql with sql > 4000

    You can use EXEC instead of sp_executesql in such a scenario:

    declare @col1 varchar(8000), @col2 varchar(8000), @col3 varchar(8000)

    set @col1 = 'select * from '

    set @col2 = 'sysobjects where '

    set @col3 =...

  • RE: One SP for Update and Add

    Since the application will be telling the stored procedure whether it is an insert or an update, that logic is simple to do in the procedure using an IF statement.


Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 248 total)