Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)

  • RE: Trapping error from sp in another db

    The good news is that I've got an answer. The bad news is that the answer is that it doesn't work. As I suspected, and as per Microsoft, the error...

  • RE: Trapping error from sp in another db

    Update after some testing:

    It works fine when I call the sp from a different db on the same server. The problem is when the db where the sp lives is...

  • RE: I can't make heads nor tails of this....

    I'm the original poster and I can't even figure out why the query *should* work, let alone whether it does or not. I'm pretty certain Jack didn't think it was...

  • RE: Trapping error from sp in another db

    Sorry, I meant the CATCH never gets triggered.

    @@ERROR does come back as 50000, but none of the other error info is available. I can trap for @@ERROR right after the...

  • RE: Denormalizing into a grid

    Hmmm. not certain what's wrong with the test data. I can run your query against it and get the expected result.

    Be that as it may, however, your code highlights the...

  • RE: Denormalizing into a grid

    I"m looking at that right now. It looks like it might work in this case. I'd like to be able to do it in a query, too, since I have...

  • RE: Finding the most recently modified row from a group of tables

    Ah ha, OUTER APPLY....

    I've never use that. I barely know it exists. Can you give me any good links to help figuring out how it works? I can sort of...

  • RE: Finding the most recently modified row from a group of tables

    Does this give you what you need?






    IPCode is PK

    CREATE TABLE [sample].

    [IPCode] [int] NOT NULL,

    [UpdateDate] [datetime] NULL)


    --IPCode is FK

    CREATE TABLE [sample].[AddressProfile](

    [IPCode] [int] NOT NULL,

    [UpdateDate] [datetime] NULL)


    --IPCode is FK


  • RE: Email function results as XML

    Just one other change to keep db_sendmail happy:





    DECLARE @xml XML;

    --explicitly declare the var to be passed to db_sendmail


    SELECT @xml = (SELECT * FROM...

  • RE: Moving 2008 R2 db to 2012

    I'm happy to do it via the backup and restore method, and that seems to be the approach I see discusse most often. Thanks!

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)