Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: The Express Choice

    I've used SQL Server Express in several production applications. Where appropriate it is a great tool. The problem I've had is the (internal) customers have refused to accept the...

  • RE: A Lifetime of Software

    I've been writing code for pay since 1968 and plan to keep on doing it for at least six more years. Every year (day?) has been different and I've...

  • RE: I Want Stupid Employees

    There are a lot of good comments here but I have found that I can apply what I call the 20/70/10 rule to both employees and employers -

    20 percent of...

  • RE: Big Data and SQL

    I realize every day how fortunate I am that in over 40 years of writing code for pay I have never been forced to be limited to only one role....

  • RE: undo a sql statement

    For a special application, I've used triggers to record all changes to "backup" table. This allows modifications to be undone. It's a lot of code but the requirement...

  • RE: What's in your CLR?

    I have used SQL CLR code in a specific case after a lot of testing of alternatives coded in VB6/ADO, VB.NET/ADO.NET, and TSQL. The objective in each case was...

  • RE: Exporting to Excel Using a CLR Stored Procedure

    The same large data set situation occurs in my world of engineering data analysis. I have customers who want to look at every event over the last year that...

  • RE: Exporting to Excel Using a CLR Stored Procedure

    In one specific test, the stored procedure was to return a set of data (about 3000 rows) the content of which was defined by a metadata table. Each row...

  • RE: Exporting to Excel Using a CLR Stored Procedure

    Good suggestion. I use similar techniques when the user interface is an Office application (such as Excel). In many of my work situations, the user interface is a...

  • RE: Exporting to Excel Using a CLR Stored Procedure

    Like most of those who post, I see this as a potentially valuable tool that could make my customers happier and my life easier. And like most, I'll reserve...

  • RE: MSDB suspect

    I just rebuild a msdb database using the instructions in the article - - that Jack referred to above. This is a lifesaver! It worked, worked cleanly,...

  • RE: Original Theatrical Release of Star Wars

    I saw it in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. I was at a class on ModComp MAX III operating systems - the eight of us (all geeks of course) in...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)