Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Why SHRINKFILE is a very bad thing, and what to do about it.

    Joshua T. Lewis-378876 (11/9/2010)

    In an effort to curb the necessity of shrinking, I have always taken a few steps whenever setting up a DB:

    1.) Always separate by partition (or...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    jyurich (11/3/2010)

    Am I the only one using Microsoft's Entity Data Model (EDM) technology as an ORM for modeling as well as for the data access layer? This is a part...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    RobertYoung (10/31/2010)

    wbrianwhite (10/30/2010)

    All of the other techniques mentioned can built into a generator

    I have a hard time believing this. How would a code generator know enough about your application...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    Or they have a terabyte+ database where the important procs need to be specifically tuned to be fast enough. RAP would replace your laboriously tuned proc with a vanilla...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    careusa2003 (10/29/2010)

    I would not touch this design with a 10-foot pole.

    If you are going to insult a design of which you know little about, at least elaborate. I would love...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    RobertYoung (10/27/2010)

    doofledorfer (10/27/2010)

    CRUD-driven apps are in my experience a UI disaster.

    The display of the UI isn't a function of CRUD-drivenness. All apps are CRUD. Most UI's today are...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 2

    Actually the generator that we use is CodeSmith and NetTiers. It is quite extensible and powerful. We have seen no issues with performance, and it is enterprise worthy. It does...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 2

    I have actually found that a better naming convention is as follows (using Organization as the basic entity):

    Table - Organization

    View - OrganizationView

    Because of the way we use tables and views,...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)