Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 327 total)

  • RE: sql server evaluation

    You need to install msde2000a from the Run prompt using the switch SAPWD=YourPassword (using a strong password).

    I not sure you can do backups with just msde2000a loaded.


  • RE: Query Analyzer displaying all int datatypes as decimals....

    I was able to duplicate that behavior in the QA by selecting Tools->Options->Connections and putting a check in the option Use Regional settings...

    Everything back to normal after clearing...

  • RE: Slow query help needed!!!!

    You might want to check out this thread:

    It starts on a different subject but ends with a debate about the necessity of the Order By clause.


  • RE: Slow query help needed!!!!

    In spite of what that article states it is not a good practice.

    From Books Online:

    ORDER BY order_list [ ASC | DESC ]

    The ORDER BY clause defines the order...

  • RE: Primary Key Field - Identity

    You might want to look in books online for SET IDENTITY_INSERT.

    This looks like it may allow you to "trick" the system by saving the last identity...

  • RE: I need to do an "Insert" excluded of a ROLLBACK, is possible?

    I have to agree with kenneth.  I really feel that whatever it is you are trying to do probably needs to be restructured so as to have a seemingly more...

  • RE: I need to do an "Insert" excluded of a ROLLBACK, is possible?

    This should work:

    Declare @temp table (col_a char)

    begin tran

    insert into table1 values ('a')

    insert into @temp values ('b') (no rollback)


    insert into table2

    select col_a from @temp

    The table...

  • RE: Slow query help needed!!!!

    No. But I did and gave you credit


  • RE: format datetime field

    This seems to do the trick.

    select convert(char(07),getdate(),120)




  • RE: Multiple rows into 1 column

    Nice to get some feedback.  Just in case you were interested

    select @csv = isnull(@csv + ', ', '') + prs_name

    will eliminate the need for

    SET @Lecturers = RIGHT(@Lecturers,...

  • RE: Multiple rows into 1 column

    Try creating a udf from the sample code below and use the returned list as your Lecturers column:

    declare @csv varchar(1000)

    select @csv = isnull(@csv + ', ', '') + prs_name

    from Your_table


  • RE: Slow query help needed!!!!

    If you go with my suggestion above,

    ...And Not Exists (select oldsds_id from employee where oldsds_id = e.oldsds And oldsds_id is not null and date_left>=getdate())

    It looks like you can...

  • RE: Slow query help needed!!!!

    Changing the NOT IN to NOT Exists should help.

    ...AND not sds_id in (select oldsds_id from employee where oldsds_id is not null and date_left>=getdate())

    Should be:

    ...And Not Exists (select oldsds_id from...

  • RE: Help with subquery

    Does this work?

    SELECT     LDR.LoanNumber




    FROM       viewLoanDatatotalRetail AS LDR

    INNER JOIN tblLoanDataLockHist AS LDH ON LDH.LoanNumber = LDR.LoanNumber

    WHERE LDH.Item =

        (SELECT MIN(LDH.Item)

         FROM tblLoanDataLockHist LDH


  • RE: Help with subquery

    In all fairness to Mark he got it right!  He's solution works for the question you originally stated.


Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 327 total)