Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 46 through 49 (of 49 total)

  • RE: Strange CASE


    Thanks for the feedback.

  • RE: Strange CASE

    you need to first create the function

    create Function [dbo].[fnSplitter] (@IDs Varchar(8000) )

    Returns @Tbl_IDs Table (ID Int) As


    -- Append comma

    Set @IDs =...

  • RE: Strange CASE

    for your example you can write

    select * from @tab1

    where (@var1 <> 1) or (id in (1,2))

  • RE: UTC Time conversion in SQL Server 2008

    You can use GETUTCDATE() function to get UTC datetime Probably you can select difference between GETUTCDATE() and GETDATE() and use this difference to ajust your dates to UTC

    you now that...

Viewing 4 posts - 46 through 49 (of 49 total)