Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Transferring Data from Foxpro DBFs into SQL 2000 Databases

    I work with FoxPro 2.6 Files and SQL Server 2000 - I use the Import Data Wizard (which uses DTS) and select dBase III as the file format.  I have...

  • RE: How Can I Get a List of the Fields in a Table?

    In Query Analyzer, type:



  • RE: Record User Login

    I use the following:



    /* set nocount on */

    --DECLARE @sys_usr char(30)

    SELECT System_user as SQLUserName


  • RE: What is the best way to change passwords

    I use an Access program and run this command against the SQL Server:

    strSQL = "sp_password NULL, '" & Me!txtPassword.Value & "', '"...

  • RE: Calculating I/O

    I have specific experience on this kind of a setup. I have an SQL database and an 8 port IVR setup. Our volume is lower than what you...

  • RE: ADO Timeout Expired

    The problem with the timeout issue on the connection for an Access ADP is that the Project is the connection and I have not found a way to set the...

  • RE: ADO Timeout Expired

    No problem - glad I could help.

    I am the dba for my company and we run our business on a SQL database with an ADP front end. I have...

  • RE: ADO Timeout Expired

    before you execute, add the following:

    cmd1.CommandTimeout = 0

    This will cause the command to not timeout. The default timeout period in Access is 30 seconds.

    I would also suggest verifying that...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)