Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 736 through 750 (of 771 total)

  • RE: T-sql to excel (bcp)

    yap, it works.

    But i have a problem:

    I do this comand:

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from database..table order by field1" queryout "c:\excel\1.xls" -c -T -S "Servername\sql2000"'

    This command creates the excel file.


  • RE: MCDBA for sqlserver2000

    If you really what SQL 2000 knowlage, than a good book to read is SQL Server 2000 bible.

    P.s Gail Shaw is right , why don't you start in SQL Server...

  • RE: virtualization

    In my case, what i really would like to know is, if there are any differences (in terms of funcionalities) between ESX and hyperV.

    For instance, i know that with ESX,...

  • RE: export to excel

    can someone help me , please?

    I'm realy don't know how to fix this

  • RE: export to excel

    Hi masters,

    I have now putted the code as below and i noticed that when the

    code is executed and there is no Excel file yet, it gives me...

  • RE: virtualization

    what are the advantages over hyper-v?

  • RE: export to excel

    thank you very much,

    I have tried to implement the model, but i have a problem.

    Please, look at my script , to see what i mean:

    -- Create...

  • RE: Yessoft - SQL Server compare

    yes, in SQL Server 2000 database i did not update statistics in the 2005 database i have updated the statistics

  • RE: virtualization

    ok, thank you for the reply.

    I would like to know in production, what dbas are using?

    thank you,


  • RE: virtualization

    what are UAT implementations?


    Hi Gail,

    Thank you very much.

    I was wrong.

    I tested again, and it works.

    sorry for the wrong information.

    thank you all, for reply to this post

  • RE: Single user mode database

    yap, that's an easy way.

    I don't know if you can go to the Management/activity monitor and Kill the connection that is connected to that database and then you trie to...

  • RE: Single user mode database


    When a database is in Single_user_mode, if there are no connections , you can connect to it.

    The first connection to gain access will be the only...


    I'm sorry Gail, but i still didn't undestud something about this post.

    "No. The remote timeout only affects commands that are remote to this server. ie commands that the SQL Instance...


    thanks for the reply Gail,

    when you say:

    "The remote timeout setting affects remote servers only. It has no effect on how long queries will wait...

Viewing 15 posts - 736 through 750 (of 771 total)