Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 470 total)
Thanks Grant. I've been looking at various books but there are loads.
I'll have a look for Don Jones unless there's something you can recommend?
September 15, 2020 at 2:11 pm
Thanks Grant. I'd already grabbed a copy of that (and completely forgotten about it until you kicked a few neurons into life!).
I'm also grabbing some books on Powershell (although it...
September 15, 2020 at 12:06 pm
Thanks folks.
The course from SQLSkills actually started yesterday so I missed out on that one.
It does looks like there are various other offerings available, So i'll keep digging (on the...
September 15, 2020 at 9:48 am
Apologies for the delay in responding.
We can't use materialised views for the same reason we can't use indexed views.
I think it's down to the fact we need either:-
August 13, 2020 at 3:19 pm
Thanks Anthony.
Looks like we've got some big discussions coming up on the best way to do this.
August 12, 2020 at 12:59 pm
Thanks for that, I've never heard of change tracking (I'll do some research) but it sounds like it's going to be a lot of work to get it set up.
August 12, 2020 at 7:33 am - we can't use replication either (vendor won't allow it, and the way they make database changes is weird).
We could replicate from server B to server C...
August 12, 2020 at 6:18 am
Thanks for the info.
Just so I'm clear, if we upgrade server A to 2016 Enterprise would that then work, or will the Developer edition on server C kill off that...
August 7, 2020 at 7:41 am
@mike01 - not used materialized views before. I'll do some digging and see what turns up.
@david.Edwards76768 - Unfortunately not, they are used in other sprocs as...
July 20, 2020 at 12:59 pm
I've seen that bit as well thanks (and managed to get rid this morning).
I'm just doing a test replacing the OUTER APPLY with a LEFT JOIN and moving things around.
July 15, 2020 at 12:15 pm
Never thought of that (we've done just about everything else!)
I'll try it and see how it goes.
July 15, 2020 at 10:09 am
Hi Sergiy
The reasoning escapes me as well, I'd need to speak to the vendor on that one.
All I do know is that we need to store it in that fashion...
June 25, 2020 at 1:12 pm
Hi all
Apologies for missing any questions, I'll get to them now.
Jeff - VARCHAR(MAX) is used as we don't know what amount of data is in each column. The other consideration...
June 25, 2020 at 6:36 am
Thanks Jeff, looks like I've got plenty of reading to do.
Any thoughts on my new plan?
June 24, 2020 at 2:47 pm
Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 470 total)