Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 376 through 390 (of 470 total)

  • RE: Moving upwards through a folder tree

    Thanks for the info folks (and for the quick replies).

    I suppose I should have explained a bit more (so apologies for that).

    The molder will always be called Temp. Unfortunately,...

  • RE: Indexing a view

    The view takes a date given by the user and displays the data for that day. It then moves on a day and displays the data for for that...

  • RE: INSERT INTO not inserting enough rows

    The SELECT query I posted earlier is the one I was using last week (with the exception of an extra bit in the WHERE clause which looks like this:-

    and HospitalProviderSpellNumber...

  • RE: INSERT INTO not inserting enough rows

    Hi Chris

    I'll take all the help I can get (I'm always willing to learn).

    I still don't understand why (without any changes) I could select 53 records last week and only...

  • RE: INSERT INTO not inserting enough rows

    @ZZartin - Done that, there doesn't seem to be a reason I can see.

    @ChrisM@Work - This is something I inherited so I'm still trying to untangle...

  • RE: INSERT INTO not inserting enough rows

    Hi Sean

    It's quite a monster select statement that normally runs quite happily (or so we thought).

    You're basically correct. When the select runs on it's own for some records defined...

  • RE: INSERT INTO not inserting enough rows

    Hi Sean

    Here's the insert statement:-

    set dateformat dmy

    truncate table [CDSExtractInpatients6.2].dbo.CDS_Inpatients_CDS_Feeds_Import

    INSERT INTO [CDSExtractInpatients6.2].[dbo].[CDS_Inpatients_CDS_Feeds_Import]




    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),CdsExtractDate,120) AS [Extract_DATE],

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),CdsReportPeriodStartDate,120) AS [Report_Start_DATE],

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),CdsReportPeriodEndDate,120) AS [Report_End_DATE],

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),cdsactivitydate,120) AS [Activity_Date],

    -- Updates Prime Recipients for Null & Old Pct_Codes


    When CdsPrimeRecipient like...

  • RE: Copying data between tables

    Ah, didn't know that (don't usually work with Identity columns).

    For my solution, I ended up cheating.

    I scripted all the columns I needed from the tables, put them into Excel and...

  • RE: Copying data between tables

    Hi Jeff

    I did think of that, but it doesn't seem to persist.

    This what I had 10 minutes ago:-

    USE SystmOneData

    EXEC sys.sp_MSforeachtable '

    truncate table ?

    begin try

    set identity_insert ? on

    end try

    begin catch

    end catch



  • RE: Copying data between tables

    Thanks Grant.

    I'll drop this onto the support site as SQL DAta Compare says the tables are mapped down to field level.



  • RE: Copying data between tables

    I've just checked the schemas in both databases and there is only the standard dbo.

    The table names are identical as I scripted them from the old databases as CREATES using...

  • RE: Copying data between tables

    Hi Grant

    I've compared the databases using SQL data Compare and it says "195 tables or views that could not be compared".

    I've transferred the database from server A to server B...

  • RE: Copying data between tables

    Thanks Grant, I'll have a look at it now.

  • RE: Copying data between tables

    To be honest, speed isn't of the essence. I've pre-warned our IT dept that I'll be moving gigabytes of data around the network and they're quite happy.

    I'm looking for...

  • RE: Copying data between tables

    The database is currently sat at around 130GB and I can't get to a network share with that much available space.

    I was also hoping to do this via the linked...

Viewing 15 posts - 376 through 390 (of 470 total)