Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 87 total)

  • RE: list User Stored Procedures that reference a specified table

    Thanks a lot!!!  That worked great!!!

  • RE: Estimated Execution Plan

    Thanks for all the feedback.  I actually used real data in my test database and both sql statements return the same expected results...based on the execution plan results, I will be...

  • RE: Estimated Execution Plan

    I changed the first sql script, with additional parenthesis which should now have the same result as the second script, is as follows:

     SELECT * from tblSerial 

      WHERE ((orderNumber=@ordernumber AND UPCCode=@UPCCode AND

      Stage='TOP' AND...

  • RE: Microsoft Access Write Conflict

    Thank you both for your timely feedback...that fixed my issue.

  • RE: dts package opens blank

    I used the ip address and was able to open a dts i had problems with before, and then i opened a new dts and got this message...

     MMC has detected...

  • RE: dts package opens blank

    I applied the hotfix both versions are 8.00.818 and I still have the same problems...some of the dts packages created with user with old domain name...we have recently migrated...

  • RE: dts package opens blank

    I can not open the dts from the server...the connections are sql server.


    on my pc, i have 8.00.818 sp3 std edition

    on my server, i have 8.00.760 sp3 std edition

  • RE: dts package opens blank

    I have the DTS on BISRV Server using 2 connections to other sql the connections are not local.  I was able to log onto the BISRV server and open...

  • RE: Stopping Transaction Log Records

    The database is in Simple mode already, and I do not want to increase the log size due to disk size.  I will try to break the update into smaller...

  • RE: sql substring

    I am not familiar with STUFF and REPLICATE function, but based on your example, I was able to do the following with TRIM functions:

    insert into wrkSeams (DeltaLength,lengthYards,seamNumber,rollID,AFrameID,lotNumber,Barcode)


    rtrim(ltrim(substring(comments,(charindex('DeltaLegth:',comments)+13),(charindex('Seam Number:',comments)-13)))) as DeltaLength,


  • RE: sql substring

    I need to extract the Length, Seam, Roll, Lot Number, and Bar Code

    from the comment field (History table) and eventually insert this back into the table where these records have been...

  • RE: best way to insert else update records using dts

    Does anyone have an example of DTS using the Data Driven Query task to perform insert else update task?

  • RE: migrate iSeries to Sql Server

    I use DTS & Informatica PowerCenter for our ETL to send data to our BI Warehouse on a sql server.

    Sending the data or creating the tables is not what I am looking for.


  • RE: Record Locking

    This is the latest code:



    SELECT TOP 1 trackingCode


    ORDER BY cTime



    I get the following error:

    Server: Msg 650, Level 16,...

  • RE: Record Locking

    I ran both queries and the second did fetch the record.

    I also tried to add the 'BEGIN TRANSACTION' and 'COMMIT' statements; but that did not help.

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 87 total)