Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 87 total)

  • RE: Simple Insert Issue

    I just redid my original insert statement and now it works:

    INSERT INTO Designs


    VALUES     ('CC 25641',1,0,1,0)


    So what would cause this?  Was this being block by another...

  • RE: Simple Insert Issue

    How do you check to see if it is being blocked by another spid?

    How would/why another spid block a new row insert?

  • RE: Simple Insert Issue

    The design_detail table has 107,628 rows:

    Here is the table script:

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Designs_Detail]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    drop table [dbo].[Designs_Detail]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Designs_Detail] (

     [DESIGN_NUM] [nvarchar]...

  • RE: Simple Insert Issue

    CC 25631 OR CC 25639 OR CC 25641 don't work. But, CC 25621 does work..this is weird...

  • RE: Simple Insert Issue

    There are only 14,355 rows.

    I do not see any triggers; this is a very simple database.  There is a relationship on the design and design_detail tables.

    Here is the table script:


  • RE: sql2005 (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

    sql2005 9.00.3054.00




  • RE: how to edit a saved ssis package

    What should I use for options on the export wizard, would I select the File System?  And once exported, how do I open it? What is VSS?  Would I use...

  • RE: opening table in EM causes vb applications run time errors

    Yes, I agree the table should not be opened to display all rows in the production environment.  One of our developers was working on an issue and opened this table...

  • RE: why did my sql services stop

    I checked the Windows Event Viewer and found errors yesterday and today for the time frame (12 noon) the services ended.  The errors are regarding scheduled Windows Update Agent:  Windows...

  • RE: why did my sql services stop

    In the sql server log, I found an entry sqlserveragent service stopping due to stop request from a user, process, or the OS...

    Then log entry sqlserveragent ended normally.

    Does not explain...

  • RE: Help with Select Top 1

    Thanks again for your explaination.  The BOL describes these hints, but I really did not understand them.  Yes, I will have to read more about the Dead Lock issue, the...

  • RE: Help with Select Top 1


    I created an index for cTime.

    What is the difference between ROWLOCK and UPDLOCK?

    I am assumming since READPAST is also used, I will not get any deadlocks??

  • RE: Help with Select Top 1

    I still had error: Incorrect syntax near top.

    I changed to use "set" and this seams to work but not much different from my original code.  If I have multiple applications...

  • RE: Help with Select Top 1

    The last sql statements provided:

    declare @trackingCode char(4)

    select @trackingcode = (top1 trackingCode

                FROM  tblSerial ( READPAST, ROWLOCK) ORDER BY cTime)

                UPDATE tblSerial

  • RE: Help with Select Top 1

    Yes, I had removed the @trackingCode variable, but it is mandatory as this is variable is used in more code in this stored procedure...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 87 total)