Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 376 through 389 (of 389 total)

  • RE: sql server 2005

    hiteshchouhan91 (6/24/2012)

    select s.part_name as Part_Name,s.part_no as Part_No,s.uom as UOM,i.Stock_OnEntryDate ,sum(i.invoice_quantity) as Import,sum(r.Return_Quantity)as Material_Return,sum(p.Issue_Quantity) as Issue,sum(er.Quantity)as Excess,sum(sr.Quantity) as Short,s.available_quantity as Balance from dri_Stock s left join dri_InwardEntry i on

    s.part_no=i.part_no and...

  • RE: Distinguish records on daily basis

    Methew (6/26/2012)

    i want to divide records on daily basis like here

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable1','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #mytable1

    CREATE TABLE #mytable1


    ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) ,

    UName NVARCHAR(50),

    alert_datetime DATETIME



    INSERT INTO #mytable1

    (ID, UName,alert_datetime...

  • RE: NULLIF 1

    Koen Verbeeck (6/25/2012)

    Haven't used NULLIF before, so I learned something.

    Small error: the select statement selects 4 columns, the answers have only 3.

    Nice observation Koen 🙂

  • RE: NULLIF 1

    One more function added in my memory DB 🙂

  • RE: What would be the best way to get the date from the following strings?

    fawadafr (6/25/2012)

    Hi bhuvneshk and Robert:

    All product names end with a date string (e.g. <span style="color:#f00;">Availability: 6/27/2012</span>)

    No, each product name string can only contain one date.

    Is it possible to get the...

  • RE: What would be the best way to get the date from the following strings?

    fawadafr (6/25/2012)

    Please review the following examples of product names:

    UMA Titanium Temporary Hex Cylinder Product Code: 11-000300 <span style="color:#f00;">Availability: 6/15/2012</span>

    UMA Hex Cylinder Product Code: 11-000200 <span style="color:#f00;">Availability: 8/2012</span>

    ScrewPlant® GPS™ Abutment: 3.7mmD...

  • RE: What would be the best way to get the date from the following strings?

    Robert Davis (6/25/2012)

    Use the SUBSTRING() function and CHARINDEX() function.

    Syntax: SUBSTRING(<Expression>, <Start position>, <Length of string>)

    Expression is the string.

    Start position = use Charindex to identify the point where to start the...


    bitbucket-25253 (6/25/2012)

    bhuvneshk (6/25/2012)

    Hi Regina,

    Please try to search the syntax on BOL or do little Google for that before posting it to this forum.

    As many of other useful queries remain ananswered...

  • RE: The OVER SQL construct or statement is not supported.?

    so.eslami (6/24/2012)

    i use this command for giving ranking of user but i give error

    select Score, (DENSE_RANK() OVER ( order by Score desc)) AS Ranking

    FROM cuscore

    ORDER BY Ranking

    There is no...


    Hi Regina,

    Please try to search the syntax on BOL or do little Google for that before posting it to this forum.

    As many of other useful queries remain ananswered due to...

  • RE: Error while running SSIS Package (0x80040E4D)

    Can you please tell me what are the properties you are saving in the table and if possible please provide the dummy values as well.

  • RE: Error while running SSIS Package (0x80040E4D)

    Hi Karthik,

    Please try below points.

    1.If you are storing SQL connection string in database table.

    In case of SQL authentication please check the ConfiguredValue(Password and all are correct).

    2.Encrypt the package with "EncryptSensitiveWithPassword"...

  • RE: SSIS Variable

    Hi Gravitysucks,

    As Rtaylor made it clear the syntax is pretty straightforward.

    e.g. have a look on below dummy example


    (Col_1, Col_2)

    VALUES (?, ?);

    In SQL statement property of Exec SQL...

  • RE: Error while running SSIS Package (0x80040E4D)

    How are you vaildating that package is executing successfully ?

Viewing 14 posts - 376 through 389 (of 389 total)