Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 41 total)

  • RE: Company Rewards

    Considering a few factors:

    1. I am not independently wealthy

    2. I do not work for a corporation because I enjoy it

    3. My...

  • RE: Rowcount

    The requirements for this questions don't seem to support the given answer. Upon reading the question, my initial reaction was that the results would be 0,1.

    Upon opening...

  • RE: T-SQL Fun

    I am very confused as to why the comments stated:

    "This is one of the reasons to rely on checking 'equality' rather than 'inequality'". The result was generated as expected.

  • RE: How do I declare a varible equal to a value in a table?

    Another good option to be aware of is that you can assign values directly from your SELECT statement...

    SELECT @valueA = Field1 FROM someTable WHERE...

    This offers the ability to assign multiple...

  • RE: Raw Materials - The Nightmare

    If I could only wake up from that dream 🙂

  • RE: Staying Technical

    Long live the geek. Could you imagine Dilbert in a management role?:-)

  • RE: Time Off

    Time to enjoy the wonderful aspects of home and family.

  • RE: Dynamic decimal precision

    If the value is for display purposes, and not required to be a decimal data type, you could format it as a string like below:

    DECLARE @Input DECIMAL(16,6)

    DECLARE @precision...

  • RE: Stored procedure gives different result when called directly or from vb script

    It sounds as though your proc is sending the email since you receive the message when running the proc directly from query analyzer.

    If you are receiving the email with empty...

  • RE: Date change

    amdavis (4/20/2009)


    I'm currently using psloglist to export some security logs to csv format then importing them into a sql 2005 database.

    Use Apr09

    bulk INSERT Ramses


  • RE: Truncate/Delete

    I guess I should have read all pages in the thread before the last two posts to reduce post redundancy:-)

  • RE: Truncate/Delete

    GilaMonster (4/13/2009)

    There's a lot more to consider than performance.

    Truncate deletes all the data in the table. Delete can have a where clause allowing conditional deletes.

    Truncate does not fire triggers, delete...

  • RE: Truncate/Delete

    All I am trying to do delete data from the table where date >=30

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I'm aware, you can't perform a conditional TRUNCATE,...

  • RE: Searching a table for items entered before a specific time

    How about using this option, to preserve your datetime format:


    --103 STANDARD

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 41 total)