Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
Any process needing a unique number queries the LNU table to get the number and performs a delete statement. A Trigger on LNU for delete adds 1 to the...
December 30, 2003 at 12:57 pm
We use a table named LNUs (LastNumbersUsed) with an integer value for LNU. There is a trigger on the table to update the LNU = LNU + 1 from deleted...
December 30, 2003 at 10:16 am
You need to first drop the constraint as well as the statistics using ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT <tablename>.<ContraintName> and DROP STATISTICS <tablename>.<statisticsname>
December 26, 2003 at 10:36 am
If sp_configure 'max degree of parallelism', 1 is set, will a query with MAXDOP 4 override the server setting?
December 11, 2003 at 10:28 am
November 20, 2003 at 11:45 am
This might be a point at which to use MSMQ to forward the results to the other server in a structured guaranteed manner.
November 13, 2003 at 6:33 pm
If this login still needs access to the server to run a sibgle stored procedure, what can I can to implement that after sp_denylogin?
November 7, 2003 at 11:46 am
Thanks for the suggestion. Not all tables have the LastUpdated column so I will add error code to skip them.
October 17, 2003 at 9:42 am
The @@ROWCOUNT suggestion did the trick!
The NEW statement is:
INSERT INTO tblActions(action_type, seqnbr) VALUES('U', @seq)
October 3, 2003 at 3:45 pm
Rebooting the server did the trick, as I knew it would. I hope MS can come up with a better answer for production environments.
Thank to eveyone for replies.
September 25, 2003 at 3:31 pm
We were selectively moving sp's from TEST to PROD database. Unfortunately, after the DTS pkg ran, we noticed that some tables which are dependent objects in the sp's were dropped...
September 16, 2003 at 6:21 pm
David Nilsson (recycled)
September 16, 2003 at 3:03 pm
That's a possibility. How is connection pooling controlled at the server level for all connections using EM, QA ?
David Nilsson
September 11, 2003 at 11:02 am
New machine is SQL SRV 7 SP4 and linked server is SQL SRV 2K. The link was fine before the migration. Now, we receive the error message that...
August 12, 2003 at 9:29 am
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)