Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 176 total)

  • RE: Bulk Delete & Insert


  • RE: recover data from .ldf file

    Thanks Lynn.

  • RE: Database Timeout Because of Profiler

    Thanks a lot BrainDonor,

    Can high CPU usage over 95% for hours will bring SQL Server down??

  • RE: Database Timeout Because of Profiler

    Thanks Gianluca & BrainDonor,

    Its 'The wait operation timed out' error looged in our exception table and i believe its timeout experienced for customer when accessing the site.

    had a high CPU...

  • RE: Execution Plan

    Thanks a lot Grant.

    When i pint over an item in Estimated execution plan(eg:Table valued function) i am getting the estimated number of executions =200?

    What exactly this means and is this...

  • RE: Autogrowth =None

    Thanks a lot Henrico

  • RE: Autogrowth =None

    Thanks again

    What my doubt is my old file is set autogrowth=none and we are facing error i mentioned above.

    Now i have created a new file in another drive and set...

  • RE: Autogrowth =None

    Thanks Henrico for the quick response.

    That means whatever the value we provide during the creation is the value it can grow? right

    Creating another file in same filegroup will resolve this...

  • RE: Strange Backup issue

    We are taking fresh backup not appending to any existing one.

    Can i recommed team to check the disk and IO subsystems? If yes could you please let me know what...

  • RE: Strange Backup issue

    Thanks for the quick reply

    We are runninng backup using litespeed. when took using sql native tool i select the checksum option .both litespoeed and native returned corrupted backups

    GOt error when...

  • RE: Server Performance

    Thanks everyone for the reply.

    Can anyone please clarify whether backup will cause performance degradation??

  • RE: Database file size 100% utilized?

    I think the update data will be shown only when database use those space. You have allocated the space but still db is not using that space.

  • RE: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM', Very straing

    Some application must be using that login with a wrong password.

    When you started to get these errors?

    Have to changed the password for that login in recent times?

  • RE: Restore DB From Network Drive

    Give the full path ie \\servername\c$\folder\backup.bak

  • RE: Replication Error

    Development team has done some changes ,not sure about that..

    Could you please let me know what changes it can be?

Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 176 total)