Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Is Skynet Coming?

    Aaron N. Cutshall (7/24/2015)

    I know that there is a lot of concern and even some fear about the capabilities of AI, however I don't think that we have to worry...

  • RE: Is Skynet Coming?

    if I didn't drop a zero somewhere, the 7 billion in population would fit into the state of Colorado if we all lived in the density of the country of...

  • RE: Is Skynet Coming?

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. CLARKE 1973.

    Let us add a corollary.

    Any sufficiently advanced AI is indistinguishable from Natural Intelligence.

    Given this will someday be true, AI is coming,...

  • RE: Do You Want a Meritocracy at Work?

    Not really. People think it does, but it is a violation as shown below:

    Section 541.400(a) lists employees who qualify for this exemption as including computer systems analysts, computer programmers,...

  • RE: Do You Want a Meritocracy at Work?

    We supposedly do work in such an environment. However when you look at actual practice, it actually isn't.

    The first and biggest problem is cronyism. It is the single most...

  • RE: Under Appreciated Features

    The absolute best, Pivots and for XML path to concat strings.

    Oh, and replace...etc.....

  • RE: iPads for Christmas

    Hi Steve:

    I don't really need an IPad for Christmas. I won one already at Muse, a user group conference. Anyway, it was an IPad 64G. I recently upgraded to 4.2,...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)