Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)

  • RE: VBscript scheduled in SQl agent is failing

    What did you enter for the job step? Just, "XP_CMDSHELL 'wscript.echo " Hello World"'?"

  • RE: Populating a SP variable from the value returned by a select statement

    You could also...

    CREATE PROCEDURE SP_name (it doesn't really start with SP_)

    @variable_1_from_CRM varchar(13),

    @variable_2_from_CRM varchar(10),

    @variable_3_from_CRM char(13),

    @variable_4_from_CRM char(10),

    @flag varchar(1) output (also for CRM so that it knows if the SP was successful)


    declare @Activity_Title...

  • RE: thoughts on dbcc shrinkfile

    Oops- I was talking about the log file, too.

  • RE: thoughts on dbcc shrinkfile

    If you run the following, do you get a reason in the log_reuse_wait_desc column?

    select name, log_reuse_wait, log_reuse_wait_desc, recovery_model_desc

    from sys.databases where name = 'YourDB'

  • RE: Max DOP

    They kind of work back and forth depending on what you want to accomplish. You can get rid of the CXPACKET waits by setting the Max Degree of Parallelism to...

  • RE: Max DOP

    Check out what you're seeing in dbcc sqlperf(waitstats) for SQL Server 2000 or sys.dm_os_wait_stats for SQL Server 2005. If you find that your CXPACKETS are more than 10% of the...

  • RE: problem with query in CTE

    You could create a clustered index on your #temp table. That would force the order to be however the index is ordered because at the very bottom of a clustered...

  • RE: Programming Training

    A job in a software support position might be just the thing.

    In my last job, I worked intensely with Oracle (but SQL - by and large - is SQL). I...

  • RE: Ways to perform incremetal updates

    Depending on what you're wanting to do, transactional replication might be what you're looking for.

  • RE: write query from databases on 2 different servers

    You have two servers, local and remote. The remote server (or instance) must be a linked server:

    From the current server write this:

    SELECT a.Filed1, b.Field2

    FROM LocalTable a

    JOIN LinkedServer.OneDB.dbo.RemoteTable b


  • RE: SQL-DMO running dbcc checkcatalog

    I've looked around and haven't found any references to SQLDMO, but it happens in both our SQL Server 2000 and 2005 databases.

  • RE: Max DOP

    The default cost threshold is 5, which is really, really WAY too low. I usually reset it to 25 on OLTP systems, just to start.

    Oh, that's right - that's...

  • RE: Max DOP

    What you're seeing is an artifact of the estimated cost values. SQL Server can't know how long a query is going to take to run, so the estimated cost is...

  • RE: Max DOP

    Yes it does. It turns out that that's not necessarily the best thing to do. In fact, even on a machine with 16 processors, the MaxDop would be better set...

  • RE: Max DOP

    Interesting - I just went through this same process myself last week, but I did it a little differently becuase I was concerned about the same thing. Instead of setting...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)