Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 256 total)

  • RE: What is wrong with this statement

    Thanks for the response. Here is my proc: The case statement is in order by clause. How can I make it more efficient:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_getClients]



    SELECT intID, ClientID

    FROM ...

  • RE: What is wrong with this statement

    ok here is my updated code:

    CASE ClientID WHEN CHARINDEX('-',ClientID) <> 0 THEN

    (CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(SUBSTRING(ClientID ,CHARINDEX('-',ClientID ) + 1, 5)) = 1


    ELSE ClientID...

  • RE: Debug SP

    So I take it that there is no way to debug in 2005.

  • RE: Debug SP


    I have done all of that, but is there a way to debug right into the SP from ssms?


  • RE: Where 1 = 1

    Matt's explanation makes sense now, should have read his previous posting properly. Grant mentioned about generated code, but this code is certainly not generated through any code...

  • RE: Where 1 = 1

    Hi Matt,

    But how long does it take to type the word "WHERE" ? Im I missing something? The queries are as simple as:


  • RE: How do I combine records

    Hi David,

    I previsouly added the case statement in the group by, but forgot to add it in the order by and that's where the problem was....

  • RE: How do I combine records

    Here is the correct query:



    SUM(grand_inv_total) as TotalSales,

    DATEPART(mm,CONVERT(DATETIME,DateEntered,106)) as Month


    WHERE SUBSTRING(DateEntered,1,4) = 2008

    AND SalesMan1 <> ''

    GROUP BY SalesMan1, DATEPART(mm,CONVERT(DATETIME,DateEntered,106))

    ORDER BY SalesMan1, DATEPART(mm,CONVERT(DATETIME,DateEntered,106))

    Here the...

  • RE: Error message in stored proc

    Thanks Gail. That makes perfect sense and it is taking less longer than the other one. Thanks again.

  • RE: Error message in stored proc

    Thanks Gail,

    I still have a cursor, but now I am updating based on the value from the cursor. Take a look at this tell me whether...

  • RE: Error message in stored proc

    Hello All,

    I just could not see the extra "D" in the "UPDATE". Thanks for pointing that out. As far as "set based insert", I am little...

  • RE: How can I join derived table

    Hi Gail,

    Here is a whole stored procedure. I don't think that giving you any additional structure will help:

    ALTER Procedure [dbo].[SP_Proc1]


    @RDCCHAR(5) = '00910',

    @DateOneDATETIME = '03/04/2007',

    @DateTwoDATETIME = '04/02/2007',


  • RE: How can I join derived table

    Hi Gail,

    I am not sure that I am understanding what you mean by

    "moving the subquery with the sum into the from clause and treating it...

  • RE: How can I join derived table

    Hi Gail,

    I apologize. Here is the actual query:




  • RE: How can I join derived table

    Hi Gail,

    Here is the whole query:



    ItmRecvdYR2=ISNULL((SELECT SUM(Quantity) FROM dbo.GetAllReorderScannedItemsByDate() INNER JOIN (SELECT VendorID, LOC, DateYR2 FROM #TMP) TMPData ON VendorID=TMPData.VendorID AND locationno=TMPData.LOC and DATEPART(YEAR,requisitiondate) =...

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 256 total)