Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 119 total)

  • RE: General Question

    by database you mean RDBMS?

    you can use flat files if supported by you app...

    put you data within the application ( incase of small data)

    xml files are some

  • RE: Float Data Type

    martin.whitton (6/7/2013)

    palotaiarpad (6/7/2013)

    Whitout running the code it is only a guess.

    Not strictly true.

    "Float" uses binary representations of numbers. Therefore, in this example:

    0.115 translates to 0.000111010111000 in binary

    0.075 translates to 0.000100110011001


  • RE: sysobjects corruption

    GilaMonster (6/26/2013)

    corruption message references sysobjects, a table that does not exist in SQL 2005+

    It could be SQL 7 too, but it's definitely not SQL 2005 or higher.

    Thanks again,I missed that...

  • RE: sysobjects corruption

    GilaMonster (6/26/2013)

    No, he can't.

    Firstly because it's a SQL 2000 database and page restore didn't exist in SQL 2000, second because you can't do a page restore of the critical system...

  • RE: Data movement from one server to another

    use import/export


    write your own SSIS


    BCP in and BCP out

  • RE: Big Data for SQL folks: The Technologies (Part I)

    Nice,Short and Clear

  • RE: Backup Size.

    SELECT sum(backup_size/1024.0) AS [Backup Size (KB)]

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset b

    JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily m ON b.media_set_id = m.media_set_id

    WHERE database_name = 'Track'

    group by b.backup_set_id

    --ORDER BY backup_finish_date DESC

    Post the result of this query....

  • RE: how to get reporting to with their name?

    create table users


    user_id varchar(10),

    username varchar(10),

    designation varchar(10),

    department varchar(10),

    reporting_to varchar(10)


    insert into users(user_id,username,designation,department,reporting_to)


    insert into users(user_id,username,designation,department,reporting_to)


    insert into users(user_id,username,designation,department,reporting_to)

    values('0001','ABC','MD','Marketing','0001 ')

    select a.*,b.username from users a

    join users b

    on a.reporting_to=b.user_id

  • RE: Backup Size.

    are you using compression while backing up the database?

  • RE: Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows


    if (select TOp 1 UNITE_COUT_MATERIEL from DIM_INTER_MATERIEL)= 'Unité'


    if exists (select 1 from DIM_INTER_MATERIEL where UNITE_COUT_MATERIEL = 'Unité')

    both the above query will work in your case.

    sub query should...

  • RE: Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows



    where inter.ID_INTER=mat.ID_INTER

    both the queries should return only single value..Use top 1

  • RE: sysobjects corruption

    If it is a very big database then you can restore only page (1:1610) to save restoration time

  • RE: Exporting Output Data of an Stored Procedure

    /*********In master.dbo.sp_help_revlogin*******/

    --Replace "print" command with "SELECT"

    create table test (a varchar(4000))

    insert into test

    execute master.dbo.sp_help_revlogin

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "master.dbo.test" out "\\location names\example.txt" -c -T -SServername '


  • RE: Exporting Output Data of an Stored Procedure

    I will go for SSIS package and schedule a job in sql server agent to run SSIS

  • RE: why we need secondary(.ndf) file in Database

    It's just a way to differentiate between primary and secondary data files.If we keep all the data file extension same then others might confuse between primary and secondary data file.


Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 119 total)