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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    I don't understand why you are making me so confuse when i have given you all the information about my table then which DDL u need. code. scripts for table...

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    which information u need. u have the table details output details. other han this if u need information i will provide u please do some thing..

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    could u give me the queary to do stored procedure. I have search on google but they are not working. can u give me the exact queary to do...

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    look I need the output like this:

    select grpnm,adeb,acrd,grpnm,adeb,acrd from grp

    so it was not possible to create one view and display to outputs.

    thats why i created two diffrent views and...

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    One god news,

    my problem is solved. how I tell u.

    after so long discussion between us. I thought that if we can combine multiple tables in sql and create view....

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    do u mean now i have to create stored procedure.

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    USE [bank]


    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[ledger] Script Date: 05/21/2011 01:41:25 ******/







    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ledger](

    [vec] [numeric](25, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [id] [varchar](20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS...

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    do u mean the table details like feilds name in the table. that was i have posted yesterday.

    what is DDL i realy dont know.

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    This is the queary to populate data from table.

    SELECT l1.grpnm AS Assets, SUM(l1.deb) AS [Debit A], SUM(l1.crd) AS [Credit A], l2.grpnm AS Liability, SUM(l2.deb)...

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    I don't want to make u confuse. I was trying to solve the problem in any other ways. I was just thinking for another solutions. I dont know how to...

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    I tell you my problem in one line

    tell me can we give multiple search queary to one table and display output in one table or report or any other platform.


  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    SELECT accnm,debitamt,creditamt FROM group

    GROUP BY supergrp


    WHERE supergrp = 'Assets')fs WHERE supergrp = 'Liability'

    I think this is what you expect.

    I think this is not correct but i...

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    This is what i want. the queary pass in given example like that i want how to pass gruupby.

    how to make groupby to supergrp

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    select accnm,debitamt,creditamt from group where supergrp = 'Assets'

    select accnm,debitamt,creditamt from group where supergrp='Liability'

    now it should display seperate two outputs for assets and Liability.

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    Thanks for information.


    create table group


    id numeric(25),

    accnm varchar(100),

    grpnm varchar(100),

    supergrp varchar(100),

    debitamt numeric(20),

    creditamt numeric(20)


    insert into group(id,accnm,grpnm,supergrp,debitamt,creditamt)

    select 1,'abc','cash','Assets',10,10

    select 2,'pqr','bank','Assets',20,20

    select 3,'xyz','ss','Liability',30,30

    select 4,'qq','loan','Liability', 40,40

    now, i want to group by supergrp column to sort or...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)