Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Finding a table with date appended to it and check for the range of that date

    Eugene Elutin (9/5/2012)

    Will your table suffix represent just year and month only YYYYMM or day as well YYYYMMDD?

    What criteria do you want to apply? Month number and year? Date range?...

  • RE: How to manage Transaction Log.

    george sibbald (7/31/2012)

    ALL transactions are logged, there is no way to prevent that. You will either have to size your transaction log so it can cope with the update or...

  • RE: Help in Updating an exception table

    Thanks, all for your help.Gail ur solution has helped me a lot, Thanks much.

  • RE: DATETIME format help

    Both Works...Thanks a lot.

  • RE: BCPing out a Table without xp_cmdshell

    Jeff Moden (2/13/2011)

    prasadau2006 (2/9/2011)

    declare @cmdstr1 varchar(500)

    select @cmdstr1='BCP "select * from AdventureWorks.dbo.Employee" queryout \\'+upper(Substring(@@SERVERNAME,1,1))+lower(Substring(@@SERVERNAME,2,len(@@SERVERNAME)))+'\Information\HR\AdventureWorks.dbo.Employee.csv -c -t"," -S'+@@servername + ' -T'

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmdstr1

    Hii, Currently iam using the above query, but i was...

  • RE: Modifying a stored proc to log usage

    Thanks Jason,

    i understand the first solution but how would i include it in the stored proc for example lets take below stored proc as the example

    Case When isnumeric(PreOrderNum)=1

    Then PreOrderNum


  • RE: Can a variable have three values?

    Thanks Mike.....This might really help me, definitely i will post a table tomorrow with the data atleast top 20. Once again Thanks.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)