Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 265 total)

  • RE: Identity Column Question

    This is a known problem and it does exists in sybase also.

    after all records inserted you can run DBCC CHECKIDENT and it will rectify the identity values....



  • RE: indexing # temporary tables in stored proc

    One last point..

    Query plan will be generated automatically by procedure, if the data expected is more than some 80% of origional data when procedure compiled.

    Normally for thousand records table scan...

  • RE: Physical Disks

    We do have sql2kem on SAN cluster and can see 'Physical Disk' counter.

    Can you try connecting from some other machine and see if the counter then available.( hope you run...

  • RE: indexing # temporary tables in stored proc

    Probably it's because of 1000 rows only, on a bigger table it should start using index.


  • RE: connection to sysbase


    Not having rights to do linked server....

    you are right can't connect to ODBC through QA.

    sybase may be having ISQL but can it be installed on windows and connect to unix?


  • RE: Who Is Running The Query ?

    dm is correct but profiler is very costly affair.....

    You can do someting like this by creating such procedure...

    use select * from sysprocesses and where cmd type is select or...

  • RE: Disabling Isql

    There is no simple solution this could be the one way....

    if you fire this query........

    select spid,hostname,program_name from master..sysprocesses with(nolock) where hostname = ''

    and program_name = 'program_name'

    51,MachineName,SQL Query Analyzer


  • RE: How to Configure Memory

    This is from from BOL:

    Enabling AWE

    To enable AWE, set awe enabled to 1. SQL Server will reserve almost all available memory, leaving 128 megabytes (MB) or less, unless a value...

  • RE: Query Optimisation

    Break this query...

    say select first two tables with required columns into a new global temp table

    select next two tables with required columns into a new global temp table


  • RE: Number os rows in an dynamic query

    This is how a value can be returned from dynamic statement....

    declare @SQL_STMT NVARCHAR(4000)


    SET @SQL_STMT = '

    SELECT @CHECK_CONSTRAINT_VALUE = count(*) from dim_gender'


  • RE: Excessive Delete Time/Table Locking

    I think this topic is replicated as i did replied earlier.......



  • RE: Change table owner to dbo

    A confusion with the questions....

    I am sure as sysadmin if a table is created it will always be create as dbo of the database. So what are u saying is...

  • RE: Transaction Log

    The first solution would work fine as the first log file is full sql will start using second log file.......



  • RE: How to locate a table from different databases ?

    select name from master..sysdatabases

    Get resultsdets in to a cusror and loop through this query...

    exec 'if object_id(''' + @db_name + '..' + @tablename + ''') is not null Print '''table exists''''



  • RE: Timeout on a database table

    If there is a clustered index than it is better to have 15-20% fillfactor.....

    Non clustered index dosn't affects that much....

    you can use dbcc dbreindex to specify and recreate index with...

Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 265 total)