Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

  • RE: Passing User Parameter to Execute SQL Task

    That worked. I had a second Execute SQL task in there configured that way but it wasn't working until I deleted that task and recreated it. Thanks for...

  • RE: Passing User Parameter to Execute SQL Task

    varMaxDate is of type DateTime. I have tried setting the parameter mapping to the following data types:





  • RE: Passing User Parameter to Execute SQL Task

    Can anyone help me out with the data type issue that I explained earlier?

  • RE: Passing User Parameter to Execute SQL Task

    So here is what I have now:

    SQL Statement from Execute SQL Task 2:

    select * from Person.Contact WHERE ModifiedDate >= ?

    Parameter Mapping from SQL Task 2:

    Variable Name: User::varMaxDate

    Direction: Input

    Data Type:...

  • RE: XSLT Transformation

    Thanks for your help guys.  I tried Greg's approach but no luck.  Here is the DTS script that I am using to call the transformation:



    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()


  • RE: SELECT help

    Thanks guys.  Those both work great. 

  • RE: Dynamic IN Clause

    Some great feedback.  Thanks to all!

  • RE: Exporting a landscape report to PDF

    Kevin, thanks for your reply.  I wasn't aware that the setting in Layout view was for body.  I was thinking it was the page width.  Since I had the margin...

  • RE: Divide by Zero error


    That works great.  Thanks.  I'm still not sure why SRS wants to evaluate my original IIF statement in that way.

  • RE: Snaking columns

    That did it.  My body width needed to be adjusted.  Thanks very much for your help.

  • RE: Snaking columns

    I was thinking about that.  My report layout is landscape 11 x 8.5 and the one column table control is just 1.5 inches wide.  I have my one field name...

  • RE: Snaking columns

    I tried with a table control, same behavior.  Am I supposed drag the field name to the Column 2 and Column 3 areas also?  These are not able to accept...

  • RE: Snaking columns

    Thanks for your reply but this still doesn't work.  I created a new report and set the report properties for 3 columns.  The layout view then shows 3 pages wide...

  • RE: Conditional Counts


    Thanks for that clean solution.  That worked great.


  • RE: Combining Data for ASCI layout

    Originally the specs that I had for importing this data into a third-party app called for separate patient(table 1) and response (table 2) text files. This was easy since...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)