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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 87 total)

  • RE: Help Optimizing Query?

    Interesting, def a little shorter performance increase though...

  • RE: Help Optimizing Query?

    yep, you're exactly right.

    it's measuring how many cases are in each of those listed steps, at a point in time when I run the query.

  • RE: Help Optimizing Query?

    for each casenum, the 'at_id' field increments. So the record with the highest 'at_id' value for each casenum will contain the most recent step.

    What I wanted to do was find...

  • RE: Help Optimizing Query?

    Thanks Chris, I changed the sample data to return results. (can't figure out how to get that one 'wink' out of the code though.)

    John, you are correct, I am only...

  • RE: Help Optimizing Query?

    It's a 3rd party vendor app, unfortunately, so I can't modify it.

  • RE: Cannot find column delimiter

    I found the solution in case anyone else has the same issue. It's the last post listed here:

  • RE: Insert Identity field

    thanks JLK. i was actually pointing to the wrong table. it's working.

  • RE: Unzipping/Importing Multiple Files

    thanks Lynn.


    The expression I needed under Arguments was : " e " + @[User::FileName] + " -oc:\\dep\\unzip -aoa"

  • RE: Unzipping/Importing Multiple Files

    Appreciate the reply.

    I'm trying to unzip each file in a directory to another location but can't seem to get it to work. It's the free zip tool 7zip. I'm entering the...

  • RE: Problem Joining on DateTime


    The last suggestion worked:

    AND convert(varchar(30),dateadd(mi, -1, s.PunchOutDate),114) >= si.dtShiftStartTime

    Appreciate the help big time!

  • RE: Indexing Joined Columns

    well the time punch and schedule data is broken into separate days, so the days don't overlap. I can probably just use the 1440 i minute bucket table I have. There...

  • RE: Indexing Joined Columns

    Serqiy, just making sure I'm following correctly, when you say S.ID, T.ID...where would these values come from? From Schedule and TimePunch data or elsewhere? I'm really interested in your solution....

  • RE: Indexing Joined Columns

    All minutes in a schedule is every minute for every day of the year? not just per day?

  • RE: Really simple error....

    Thanks I fixed my mistake. Here it is below.

    -- ================================================

    -- usp_UpdateDataRefreshLog

    -- ================================================





    -- =============================================

    -- Create date: 06/19/2007

    -- Description: Updates the DW Refresh Data

    -- =============================================

    ALTER PROCEDURE usp_UpdateDataRefreshLog

     @TableName varchar(30)



  • RE: Indexing Joined Columns

    Yes, I'm sure many others have encountered similar data issues as well. I'd be very interested in their methodology to solve this issue. Appreciate how helpful you've been. Thanks.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 87 total)