Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 112 total)

  • RE: SQL Query Performance

    You can query sys.dm_exec_query_stats and check the last_execution_time Column

  • RE: SQL Query Performance

    By checking the usecount column in sys.dm_exec_cached_plans you can look for plns with value of 1 .duration of a plan staying in the cache depends on the memory available to...

  • RE: Index Usage - Deleted

    When a record is marked as ghost in an index page , it is reflected in the header of this page you can check it by running dbcc page m_ghostreccount...

  • RE: Index Usage - Deleted

    To increase the performance of DELETE operation the records are not deleted immediately, instead they are marked as ghosted . A background process called ghost cleanup task later removes...

  • RE: SQL Query Performance

    when the cached plans are flushed off the cache next time the query is being executed the plan should be generated again which consumes CPU clocks and could have negative...

  • RE: Should I run CheckDB

    Running CHECKDB causes CHECKTABLE,CHECLALLOC and CHECKCATALOG to be run in addition.

    these commands execute a very detailed check on the database for example checktable checks the accuracy of computed columns,indexed views...

  • RE: I want to reclaim the space, but I dont want using Shrink Database

    shrinking the data files causes a lot of index fragmentation and a lot of pressure on disk subsystem because it moves data pages from the end of data file to...

  • RE: I want to reclaim the space, but I dont want using Shrink Database

    Index is not rebuilt by shrinking the data files. Because of fragmentation caused by shrinking the data files you need rebuild the indexes to degrag them.and you don't need to...

  • RE: Correct size of Tempdb

    I checked that with DBCC PAGE you were right thanks for your correction

  • RE: Correct size of Tempdb

    In order to increase the tempdb data files number, at first you should make sure there is a need for that.You should check the tempdb data file in peek load...

  • RE: Index Usage

    The index fragmentation has a negative impact on index scans.but choosing index scans by optimizer is not due to index some conditions optimizer uses index scans and this the...

  • RE: index fill-factor

    Unfortunatly I'm a new dba in this company and know nothing about the idea the previous dba had in mind by creating this index. But just changing the clustered index...

  • RE: index fill-factor

    By reducing the fill factor page splits and so the external fragmentation would be reduced but on the other hand If there is lots of index scan on the...

  • RE: Data transfer solution

    Thanks guys seems I have no other option but using replication:cool:

  • RE: Data transfer solution

    The guys over here want to transfer backups from the replica to a cloud infrastructure which I know nothing about.

    they don't want to restore the log backup to that cloud...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 112 total)