Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Update and Select

    Here is the answer, ... I found it.

    it depends on the order in the SQL statement of the columns;: SQL = Select id, first name, name, answer1, .... ...

  • RE: Update and Select

    I can only see rs("id"), rs("answer7"), rs("time")

    but not rs("first name"), rs("name"),rs("answer1"), rs("answer2"), .....

    on the web site

  • RE: Update and Select

    what ist SSMS ?

  • RE: Update and Select


    First I inserted the first name and name with insert into the table .

    ql= "INSERT INTO web(first name ,name,... )VALUES('" & first name & "','" & name...

  • RE: Update SQL Statement

    I found the right SQL Statement.

    sql = "Update web Set answer1='" & answer1 & "'" & " where identity=" & identity

    Thanks a lot for your replies.


  • RE: Update SQL Statement

    identity is just a normal column, not the identifier, I know, it is probalbly not right to use this word as an normal column, since it it reserved as identifier....

  • RE: Update SQL Statement

    I am trying out:


    sql = "Update web Set answer1='" & answer1 & "' where identity='" & identity & "'"

    Gives the error message with

    Response.Write (SQL)



  • RE: Update SQL Statement

    It is obvious, the SQL Satement is wrong,

    But I can't yet manage it the right way.

    sql = "Update web Set antwort1="' & antwort1 & "' where erkennung='" &...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)