Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)

  • RE: The Decline of SQL Server

    lsmith 90637 (10/3/2014)

    Of all the OS and Service product lines that they've ever fielded, SQL Server has been THE consistent winner. Even when every other release of Windows falters,...

  • RE: The Decline of SQL Server

    Gary Varga (10/3/2014)

    podmate (10/3/2014)

    ...MS has done well buying off all those college IT programs.

    True. Compounded by Oracle being inflexible and arrogant is what I heard. Too easy to believe, that...

  • RE: The Decline of SQL Server

    I see SQL Server use increasing in my area of the country.

    Much of the increase seems to be due to the "can't go wrong if using Microsoft" and the increasing...

  • RE: Intellisense on some databases, not others??

    I have similar issues with Intellisense on SQL Server 2008 and 2012.

    Sometimes it works, sometimes it works ....v..e...r..y.......s..l...o...w...l...y and sometimes it just plain refuses to do anything.

    I can have...

  • RE: Production Subsets

    I have gotten to the point that I am insisting on using production data for development.

    Where I have worked in the past few years (health care EMR and governmental work),...

  • RE: T-SQL vs SQL differences

    For a twist on the topic.

    I have seen people put 'SQL' and 'T-SQL' on their resumes.

    What they were trying to say was 'SQL Server' and 'T-SQL'.

    More and more...

  • RE: Do you usually go to agencies?

    SQLRNNR (7/30/2014)

    Lynn Pettis (7/30/2014)

    SQL Guy 1 (7/30/2014)

    Ah, if I understand right, you are in US army deployed in Afghanistan?

    And the local agencies they are local to Afghanistan or...

  • RE: Do you usually go to agencies?

    I have not had very good luck with agencies in the Mid-South (US).

    Seems that very few (that I have had dealings with) take the time to find a job that...

  • RE: Summer, Summer, Summertime

    Started a new job not too long ago so I didn't have much vacation time this summer.

    Spent the summer working and then preforming the Dad taxi role shuffling my kids...

  • RE: Access Disdain

    GoofyGuy (7/21/2014)

    scottgem (7/21/2014)

    GoofyGuy (7/17/2014)

    The problem I have with Access isn't Access itself, but the way in which non-IT types use it building their own data stores and 'apps': without any...

  • RE: What Is the Hardest Feature to Learn About SQL Server?

    1. CTE's. I get it, but I don't.

    2. Performance. How to build high performance queries takes time to understand and master. I'm still working my way...

  • RE: MAXDOP = 1 ?!

    I know your pain.

    I have worked with 2 of the biggest EMR vendors in the US in a DBD/report writer role in a hospital environment and have been..uhm..less than impressed...

  • RE: Enhancing SQL Skills

    I would start by reading many of the old posts/articles/stairways on this site.

    I have been a DBD/artichect for ~ 15 years and I still manage to learn some new trick/syntax/way...

  • RE: Access Disdain

    Phil Parkin (7/17/2014)

    podmate (7/17/2014)


    Now that I am building ETL apps in SSIS, I long for the days when I could script out my ETL process and did not have to...

  • RE: Access Disdain

    Eric M Russell (7/17/2014)[hrRegarding SSIS, there are situations where I'll implement all my ETL as parameter and expression driven T-SQL tasks and just rely on Control Flow to tie all...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)