Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 121 through 128 (of 128 total)

  • RE: bulk insert failure

    The -N option copies character data as Unicode.  This is probably overflowing a non-Unicode character field during import.  It would explain why using -n worked, since it uses the native...

  • RE: Is there any function to retrieve LastIndex.

    One caveat:  There may be leading or trailing blank(s) in a string.  In that case LEN() of the original string could differ from the LEN() of the reversed string.  Use...

  • RE: Jobs still run, even when DISABLED

    Both the Job and Schedule have an "Enabled" Flag.  If EITHER is TRUE, the Job can run.



    I am puzzled.  There is no aggregate or SET shown in your code.  Could the problem be before your SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF, or after a SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON?


  • RE: how to extract date from datetime

    Since the length of the Field created for the Date will always be ten (10) characters, use CONVERT(char(10), ...) rather than CONVERT(varchar(10), ...).  Less overhead, since a Field-length value need...

  • RE: Identify triggers event /action in triggers script ?

    If you just need a value, without other logic, try:

    select getdate(),  CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM deleted) THEN 'update' ELSE 'insert' END, * from inserted


    The EXISTS clause is faster than...

  • RE: Redirect Message Output

    You can also use the command-line version, OSQL, and specify an output file using the "-o" option.  Note that you may need the "-w" option to specify a line-width greater...

  • RE: New Line

    And, when the above answer doesn't work, use CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), which is a CR (carriage return) followed by a LF (line feed).

    Note: Some computer systems use only a...

Viewing 8 posts - 121 through 128 (of 128 total)