Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 8,896 through 8,910 (of 9,208 total)

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 max memory and /3GB switch

    nlion84DBA (10/24/2007)


    Is it also true that you must be running SQL Server 2005 EE in order to take advantage of the space available by using PAE? Standard Edition cannot...

  • RE: Sysobjects (xType vs Type)

    indeed the whole table is there for backward compatibility, the SQL2005 table is sys.objects

    You will also find some other sys------- tables which are for backward compatibility too

  • RE: Monitor Linked Server From SQL 2000 using SQLDMO.SQLServer

    egpotus (9/1/2008)

    EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @object,'Connect',NULL,N'MYLINKEDSRV'; print '4';IF NOT @hr = 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @object

    if not using windows authentication then you would need to specify the following

    EXEC @hr...

  • RE: Restore with no backup

    Lowell (8/29/2008)

    when you delete a file, regardless of the recycle bin, the file is still there, but the disk space it used is open for use by other programs...if you...

  • RE: Restore with no backup

    Vegard Hagen (9/1/2008)

    Fearless and clueless is a very dangerous combination.

    ohh so true!

    Vegard Hagen (9/1/2008)

    What he should have done is of course to detach the DB, move the files and then...

  • RE: What order do you do maintenance tasks in?


    we dont use maint plans (they generally are a pain). All our maint\backup jobs are scripted using T-SQL.

    Any database maintenance ops should be carried out before a backup. As Gsquared...

  • RE: Missing Data Files

    first thing is to ascertain if anything was inside the missing file.

    start by querying the sys.sysindexes table and sort by filegroup id. Get the file group id of the missing...

  • RE: size of database related to memory

    i too have seen this before.

    SQL server loves RAM, give it the amount you think it will need. if it requires more then add extra sticks

  • RE: Add a user to Domain Group

    zombi (8/28/2008)

    So how can i add user into that group?

    Thank you very much for your time. Waiting for your reply.



    via active directory!!

  • RE: Drop users owning views

    in an ideal world 😉

  • RE: Transaction log same size as database

    the following will forcefully shrink the logfile, set recovery model to FULL first

    --Forcefully Reducing the Size of the SQL Server Log File

    --(These instructions are rooted in SQL Server 7, but...

  • RE: Drop users owning views

    Waseem Jaleel (8/28/2008)

    Yes I need to, but not all the users. I need to keep 5 users , and remove the rest. To drop these users, I need to first...

  • RE: Transaction log same size as database

    yes, that is correct. The first 70% of the log is unused, the active portion (status of 2) would prevent the log from shrinking to a realistic size. What is...

  • RE: Drop users owning views

    your original post above indicates you need to drop users who own views??

  • RE: Transaction log same size as database


    what is the output of the following query run against your database?


Viewing 15 posts - 8,896 through 8,910 (of 9,208 total)