Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)
Wow! I was super-excited when I put in a simple statment, and it did just as you said!
However, I then put in a whole (complicated) procedure, and tried it, it...
July 1, 2004 at 9:34 am
Douglas - Thanks for the reply!
However, SQL IDE seems to be a repackaged version of sqlXpressIDE (Client & Server), which is way more than I need. I just need something...
July 1, 2004 at 6:42 am
Thanks for the reply.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean, though. If I first delete the records that have been updated from the fact table, and then turn around...
June 30, 2004 at 10:01 am
Interesting. According to BOL, in the topic "Using uniqueidentifier Data":
June 24, 2004 at 9:25 am
Got it right, but only because I googled it first.
As such, I only find this question useful (for non-Administrators like me) in testing how long it would take to...
June 22, 2004 at 7:21 am
She Hills r boobs? what?!?
I must be too old and forgetful to understand...please enlighten me on the (obviously) suttle meaning here...
June 18, 2004 at 8:34 am
Ok, I see the answer (58008) upside down...I remember that from 3rd grade!
But, I don't see what 57714 345 upside down makes... SHE HILLS
What's that supposed to mean?
June 18, 2004 at 7:47 am
Make sure you're in the msdb database.
June 16, 2004 at 8:44 am
Thanks for the info. I suppose I'm really looking for as close to possible an open & shut case for our firm to move all reports and such to RS. ...
June 10, 2004 at 2:51 pm
Yea, you called it, Dale! Now that I've gotten some sleep since then (albeit, not much), and I've had *my* first cup, I can get back to some real work...reading threads,...
June 9, 2004 at 11:45 am
Maybe you can give me some perspective on RS for our situation, too. We typically just write .asp pages to do our reporting - Crystal is not used at all. ...
June 9, 2004 at 11:43 am
Johnny - that's an interesting solution. However, it works for this particular case where the join can be made via the replace command. What about when you want to conditionally...
June 9, 2004 at 8:29 am
Well, I don't know about getting "my juices flowing," but, as it happens, I just had my *last* cup of coffee and changed the *15th* diaper in as many hours...
June 8, 2004 at 9:30 pm
Gee, I think I'm blushing! BFF!
Seriously, Dale, you are absolutely correct. We should all keep these political issues more in perspective.
June 8, 2004 at 12:29 pm
Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)