Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 993 total)

  • RE: The Importance of Validating Backups

    Thanks Paul!

  • RE: The Importance of Validating Backups

    Rahul The Dba (9/27/2012)


    this one is really a needed article.

    But apart from this I want to know one thing, that is I have a store procedure made by myself for...


    Your script as such will suffer false positives from fragmented LOB_DATA and ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation units - a common oversight. You need to filter on alloc_unit_type_desc = IN_ROW_DATA.

  • RE: The Importance of Validating Backups

    Exactly - doesn't need to be superfast, just needs to be capable of doing it so you know the back at least restores.

  • RE: The Importance of Validating Backups

    Hi James,

    As as already been suggested, you could use a virtual restore product instead of full restores. However, as hard as it may be, even for many mutli-TB databases, if...

  • RE: The Importance of Validating Backups

    Yes, that's what does the WITH CHECKSUM option on RESTORE VERIFYONLY. Either do it on the prod system, or copy and restore somewhere else.

  • RE: The Importance of Validating Backups

    Glad you all like the article!

    Some of the questions:

    1) If you can run CHECKDB on the prod system, go for it. But also do the backup/copy/restore/CHECKDB process too. Defense in...

  • RE: problem with log backup

    But he said the backup job used 73GB when his log file was only 22GB - even not using WITH INIT wouldn't cause that - unless his backup job took...

  • RE: problem with log backup

    This sounds like you've done a minimally-logged set of index rebuilds of large indexes in the bulk_logged recovery model.

    After this, the next log backup will back up all the log...

  • RE: Stack Ranking

    Stack ranking sucks. I Loved doing reviews for my employees for all the teams I managed at Microsoft, but detested the necessity of using the stack-ranking system.

    Microsoft's implementation of it...

  • RE: The Perils of Running Database Repair

    It entirely depends on which system tables are corrupt, and what the corruption is. Basically, it's a crap-shoot whether it'll work or make things worse because the system tables are...

  • RE: The Perils of Running Database Repair

    Be careful though because SQL Agent will only capture the first X bytes of the output (unless that changed in recent versions). You may want to go the route of...

  • RE: The Perils of Running Database Repair

    The job will fail and @@ERROR will be set to the last severity 16 (or higher) message that is output.

  • RE: The Perils of Running Database Repair

    There are test hooks inside SQL Server that the product group can use.

    There are plenty of blog posts out there describing how to do it yourself using a hex editor...

  • RE: DBCC check db

    There has never, ever, ever been a time when DBCC CHECKDB is run automatically by SQL Server - no matter what you may think you've seen implied by others in...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 993 total)